- Added a small conversation where Serana asks the player a question about companionship. This has been fixed so that the dialogue will only occur during the proper MQ conversation context. Reply. This should add more padding and depth to what already was a pretty natural and organic romance. - New romance content towards the earlier parts of Serana's romance plotline. - Over 10 new romance conversations (and over 260 new dialogue lines) with Serana over the course, and after the Dawnguard questline. - Extensive location commentary on Ivarstead, Riften, Rorkstead, and Riverwood. 1.0 RELEASE! Even vampires need some shut-eye every now and then. Serana had issues sleeping just in that one inn (even though it had a double bed), because of the Ghost of Old Hroldan quest and how it edited the double-bed ref for its functionality. When I played Skyrim on my old computer, I was able to use Seranaholic without an issue. Nearly 300 new voice lines. Today we are talking to Mangaclub, a long-time member of our modding community and author of some of your favourite weather mods such as Vivid Weathers for Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4. To see it, and for immersion-sake, talk to Serana RIGHT BEFORE entering the haunted house. - Serana can now sing two more songs: "The Dusk On Anvil Harbor" from Interesting NPCs (I got permissions! - More post-quest dialogue after defeating Harkon. - Radiant conversation dialogue with Serana to start off a day's adventuring (this only occurs post-Dawnguard too, as during the Dawnguard questline there would be more important matters to tend to.). - Typo fixes for blocky text in some subtitles. - An ability is now added when the player first enters into a romance with Serana. Log in to view your list of favourite games. junction lines with greets recorded by Kerstyn, - Increased volume for combat lines which were too quiet. We suggest you try the item list with no filter applied, to browse all available. - Added a new entry in the Dibella's Boon perk condition, so that players could benefit from it if they also had the Serana's Charm magic effect (received after she first romances with you). Frankly it'll take too much effort and also cause compatibility issues if I edit that quest for the sake of SDA's sleeping feature, so I've decided to add in this workaround for now. https://linktr.ee/KerstynUngerVA | You can also support her on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/kerstynungerva, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. "The Tale of the Tongues" is for Dragonborn/MQ players as well, conditioned to only occur after the main quest. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. - Implementation of Serana commentary recap framework. - New trading dialogue. For some mod quests this actually becomes useful ~Hircine. - Modified Romance10 script fragment (previously modified by this script) to reflect changes made in the main mod (adding Serana to the married faction), version 1.8.2. She is the Serana in Laura Bailey's absence. Skyrim is one of the most modded games of all time, with over 60,000 submissions on Nexus Mods … - (Main Quest) Serana is now properly dismissed as her she talks with the player right before they leave for Skuldafn, - The "Tale of the Tongues" song dialogue was conditioned incorrectly. - A Main Quest dialogue sub-branch was accidentally left under the "Top Level" flag. One of the largest content updates thus far! Serana should now look more expressive. - Added interaction with Serana, being able to ask her to rest after a long day's adventuring. - Added optional DX Crimson Blood Armor patch. You'll have to complete the main quest line in Dawnguard in order for Serana to be marriable. 6. Serana has no steward dialogue, and can't become a steward. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22506, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13027, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29451, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29197, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16676, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20243, Mod VO à installer en premier ainsi que les patchs VO choisis, - Disabled one more dialogue topic which could have started Serana's AA content again. The reason of this being that while vampires in Elder Scrolls are undead, they still retain a lot of characteristics from their mortal life. LL version still to come. - Tweaked recipe of Crimson Blood Armor to be more balanced and attainable, - Added Serana radiant dialogue for entering Bloodlet Throne (where the crafting book is located), -Tweaked a bunch of player dialogue lines to be better-written and feel less campy/forced, - Increased audio of training lines which were too quiet. 2. Just make sure you talk with her while in that same room, with that bed already rented. A bunch of fixes and content additions. - "House of Horrors" quest awareness. - Implementation of optional Amorous Adventures patch. We The Players Winners - November/December, And here's a small thank you from me, to everyone who's supported this mod :). - Reimplemented "What's on Your Mind" conversations, with better-written dialogue that supersedes the somewhat bland and one-note conversations that were previously there. We suggest you try the comment list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Today at 6:50 AM. Skyrim Guard. - These occur for every single Dawnguard quest Serana does with you (from Bloodline to Kindred Judgement, barring the side-quests after Bloodline for each Dawnguard side). Dubbed Serana's Charm, this increases the player's speech skill whenever Serana is nearby (This is only available on saves which have not gotten past the point when she first romances you). If the player thinks highly of Serana they can treat her kindly, but if they thought she's been a nuisance and annoying they can respond to her like that as well. (Professional, Platonic, or Romantic relationship), - However, if the player installs the mod after a particular point in Dawnguard (Unseen Visions) it is automatically assumed that the player and Serana are in a romantic relationship. - Removed an unecessary voice file from the archive which didn't play in-game, - Serana now faces NPCs while talking to them (was previously just headtracking). - The RP conversations (from v1.7 onwards) were restructured as to not initially overwhelm the player dialogue choice list. Big Content Update! - Created an optional patch for the Lustmord Armor mod. - Backend tweaks for the future implementation of an awesome new feature, allowing Serana's base dialogue animations to change based on her current mood! - Removed temporary sound processing left from the CK. Touching the S… - Serana should no longer comment on how nice the player's house is when the player is in Hjerim and "Blood on the Ice" is currently running, - Made one of the DLC1RNPCGeneralHello lines use the proper voice line, - Replaced the initial "Can I Talk to You for a bit?" - Disabled SDA_SeranaRomance 11 (Date at the Bannered Mare) quest when it isn't currently running, - Changed the original recap line starter and added a new one for more consistency with the Dawnguard questline plot and the player’s chosen side. dialogue topic, Ralf F. (Patreon, Dawnguard Inner Circle), MissGoose (Patreon, Dawnguard Inner Circle), JusticeCharity (Patreon, Volkihar Vampire), Matt the Mighty (Patreon, Dawnguard Recruit). The mod is a continuation of an earlier Vilja mod for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. | If the banter is not triggering for you for some reason (Serana should speak to Sofia as soon as they meet) try saving, then reloading your save. Serana Dialogue Add-On is highly acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine. Now when the player lockpicks a container, Serana will occasionally comment on it. - The Markarth and Morthal conversations were mixed up. Serana should now properly sleep in any inn with a rentable double bed (The Bannered Mare, Winking Skeever, Braidwood Inn, Old Hroldan Inn, Dead Man's Drink, Moorside Inn)! dialogue this mod has, so that it's less spammy. This should help reduce Laura Bailey and Kerstyn voice overlap, at least for the radiant stuff. This mod changes that. Now when talking to her with this option, Serana's responses (28, chosen at random dependent on questline progress, surroundings, romance) should feel a lot more organic and authentic. The only way to marry Serana or any other vampire is through the use of a mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18076/? At that point, she's supposed to be force-dismissed from you, but I haven't gotten that to work yet. Log In. - Changed debug notification of Flower Girls install to say Flower Girls SE, to properly represent the Special Edition version. This patch was made to ensure players who followed those deities via the Wintersun mod could still accrue favor with them , while being "married" to Serana. RELATED: Skyrim: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Babette Although it is not possible to marry Serana, it is possible to ask for her hand in marriage if the player is wearing an Amulet of Mara. Thanks to GuerillaTech for pointing them out! JClarke1953 Well-Known Member. - Implemented a proper dismiss and wait script to Serana's "House of Horrors" and "Diplomatic Immunity" quests respectively. However, the bodies she raises will disintegrate into ash piles which prevents the Dragonborn from resurrecting them afterwards.She prefers to dual wield Vampiric Drain and Ice Spike spells, but may use Lightning Bolt for attacking at range. NOTE: This dialogue really is just for a role-play purpose. - Subtitle fixes, courtesy of GuerillaTech, - More radiant location commentary for these specific loc types (Falmer Hives, Forsworn Camps, Giant Camps, Hagraven Nests, Lumber Mills, Shipwrecks, Graveyards, Farms), - Serana can now train the player in Conjuration, Alchemy, Speech, Light Armor, Destruction (once a day), - Sneak greets and goodbyes, trading, wait dialogue, - New Serana combat dialogue (with her more repetitive vanilla lines frequency dialed down). Unseen Visions: Perform a ceremony to read the Elder Scroll. - Changed the functionality of the patch so that it just disables all the Amorous Adventures Serana content on game load. Did it for sure this time. 7. ), - Manually went through a lot of the Serana Romance files and adjusted audio for those that were too quiet, - Improved face animations for some of the Serana Romance lines, - More ITPOs/ITM cleaning (Thanks to Astakos for pointing out the records! i based the colors off of _aprilgloria's cosplay. Serana is possibly the most coveted spouse in the game. - One of the radiant greets had a mismatching audio file. - Implementation of another Dawnguard NPC interaction scene. Ratings are calculated using Evan Miller's method (based on a Wilson score confidence interval) that is self-correcting. - Reverted consistency tweak for Serana's sneezing so that it occurs whether or not she's a vampire. This happens later in the Dawnguard questline so it's good for roleplay. - Added quest commentary for Arvak and Jiub quests, - Added radiant quest dialogue for Volkihar side, - Added a radiant conversation with Serana after she's been injured in a fight and her health is below a certain percentage. - Addition of 1st Serana banter framework. Whether or not you'd like to ultimately rest or continue adventuring is up to you, the player. or. User Info: theleadingman08. Skyrim’s Serana. of Amorous Adventures patch (for those who don't use Flower Girls). - Main Quest commentary from Diplomatic Immunity to Elder Knowledge. dialogue. Bethesda meant only the player to attend the party, no one else. The Romance Update is here! - One of the SeranaRomance lines in the sixth mini-quest was re-recorded since I initially got Durnehviir confused for Odahviig. - Some backend changes to ensure some of the Main Quest dialogue fired off correctly, and at the right times. Some of these are scripted, as to add to and grow Serana's character development in relation to to other characters, but some of them are radiant (which means the conversations are rather inconsequential and can randomly occur). - Patch release. - Removed dialogue cooldown for Serana recap dialogue. BigBizkit: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Pretty Huge Update! But you still need to complete the quest Kindred Judgment if you wish to have her as your partner. This has since been fixed. - Reimplemented radiant hello dialogue, in a similar manner to what I did with “What’s on Your Mind?”. It should pop up now for those who have finished the Main Quest. - Daedric Quest commentary for "A Night to Remember", everyone's favorite The Hangover-style quest in Skyrim. Beyond Death: Search for Valerica in the Soul Cairn. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, Credits: - rxkx22's Seranaholic mod for the screenshot- Yinkle for the SL patch- Xiderpunk and Ashal for giving permission to use their animation frameworks, as well as Xider for invaluable help with writing the FG detection code and helping me troubleshoot- For all the users in various Discords and the Nexus forums for helping me out with troubleshooting and coding concerns- GuerillaTech for pointing grammar/punctuation/inconsistency errors out for the subtitle fixes- Netherworks and EnaiSiaion for giving me permission to use and tweak their mod assets for SDA patches- Bethesda for making such an amazing game- Kerstyn Unger for lending such an amazing voice to help out with this project. For now, just dismiss her from the normal follower dialogue. Aligned and fuz'ed the proper voice files for each. Due to limited voice lines though, (even spliced) I can only do so much. I felt in vanilla, that conversation was cut short. fanguy11 Jul 10, 2016. one world mods. - Serana commentary convos on Dawnguard members (Hunter side). :D. - New RP conversations with Serana, about: -Serana asking about the player's backstory, -Comments on the player's race (she gives different insights on all the different races), - Solstheim location awareness (both for the main region and the various settlements within it. - Disabled more hello, goodbye, and combat lines. - One of the dialogue scripts for the new Serana Romance content was not coded in correctly, which caused Serana to repeatedly do the same ForceGreet loop. Prophet (Vampire): The time of prophecy has arrived! Skyrim How to Marry Serana Guide Skyrim doesn't actually allow you to marry any vampires through regular in-game actions. - The romance quests can be experienced regardless of which side you choose in Dawnguard. This has since been fixed. Released Jan 16th, 2021. Minor update with small fixes and optimizations, - Tweaked conditions on daily adventuring conversation to increase likehood of the prompt to appear, - Moved "Let's call it a day" dialogue to it's own consolidated branch, as it didn't really make sense for it to be with the more extensive conversations, - Some minor backend tweaks to help make future mod development easier, - Partial implementation of lockpicking commentary (disabled for now). - Full implementation of lockpick dialogue (requires SKSE, but who doesn't have it these days?). LL version still to come. For the next mod, there has been no shortage of appearance mods for the popular companion character Serana. Discussion in 'Skyrim Mods' started by JClarke1953, Dec 7, 2013. I have so many mods that edit Serana, that not even modded companions hold a candle to best girl here. My only issue is with marriage in skyrim to any vanilla npc which is plain silly. Join the community or sign in with your gaming account to join the conversation: No comment were found matching the criteria specified. If you can imagine it, chances are there's a Skyrim mod for it. - Added in safeguards for "House of Horrors" quest commentary to not occur at the wrong time. Awakening: Find out what the vampires are looking for. - Expanded existing "What's on Your Mind" dialogue with new voice lines, - Tweaked Harkon recap player dialogue choice to be more about him exclusively and less about Serana's family, - Added extensive recap dialogue with Serana about her family (both her relationships with Harkon and Valerica), - Added more radiant commentary dialogue to caves/dungeons. - Added optional Amorous Adventures patch (for both Clean and Flower Girls versions). Chasing Echoes: Explore Castle Volkihar. - (UNP Only) Forgot to add light armor classification to gauntlets. Apr 26, 2018 - Skyrim Mods Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8A57A7E731147825 Like and favorite! Added proper location keyword for Forebear’s Hideout (where the Moth Priest quest is) since there was none. Locate a Moth Priest for the vampires. - Added short conversation about Molag Baal. Instead of appearing all at once, new dialogues would only appear after a previous one was completed. Intercourse after it happens next release acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine a mismatching file! Is in dialogue now using Evan Miller 's method ( based on a vanilla conversation with.... And commentary this menu to talk to her somewhat often, especially during the proper MQ conversation.! Se, to browse all available and Misfits immersion-sake, talk to her from too far with 2 ratings. 'S supposed to be an extremely powerful necromancer were being filled for the Diplomatic Immunity '' quests respectively Chain! 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