Frea as permanent follower. Serana and Frea require DLC. We should check these rooms for supplies before heading further into the temple. If somebody wants I could share the Frea, Serana and Valerica I've got saved. I see you tried Frea before I uploaded those followers, but I don't know if you tried those or not. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Storn: "Frea! Description: Barbas is the only temporary dog follower in the game.He also barks, whines, and pushes you incessantly if you drag him away from his quest, however he is invincible and will continue to follow and fight for you no matter where you bring him. Do not fear for me, my daughter. Angel follower in Hall of the dead in Windhelm. So let’s have a look at our top choices! The vast majority of followers cap at level 30. With no level cap, Frea can keep up with the … My father Storn, our shaman, says Miraak has returned to Solstheim, but that is impossible." Can we kill him?" If you use mods, it seems possible for the follower to end up in other places. Why are you here?" Initially she can be found a the Temple of Miraak, pleading with the enthralled to return home. Freya is now part of Pandorable's Heroines with updated stats and a new look. A secret passage in the dining area just opened up. Mods off.100 enchantment/smithing gear.Frea´s profile: Frea and Ralis have Dual Flurry. Joined: Sep 26, 2012 ... yes she can become a permanent follower later on in the DLC but i think you have to Persuade her to. I do not want to put my hand anywhere near the mouth of that statue." You can trust me. Character Versions [Add Version] Pg. It almost looks as if these statues will come to life at any moment." Followers will match the current Character Level of the Dragonborn up to a certain level cap which varies from follower to follower. She will now only say: "I think he knew what would happen. That comes from the Wind Stone, where my people work against their will. The stories say he sought to claim Solstheim for himself, and the dragons destroyed him for it." This page was last modified on 7 January 2021, at 23:57. Triss Merigold Follower - Voiced with over 200 lines from TW3 - Custom wardrobe changer with dialogue, 3 outfits - Spell request with dialogue - UNP / CBBE, 2K / 4K, LE / SE Voiced by Christine Slagman, the dialog is not only witty and humorous, but also reacts to surroundings, other NPCs and select quest lines. She's a fierce stormcloak warrior and a proud member of the Gray-Mane clan. ", and "Leave me to mourn my father. It cannot be much farther now. I shall look around. I shall follow when you are ready." ", "I still cannot believe that Storn is gone. I lost my Follower, Frea [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 4 years, 9 months ago. Nail salons, a lifeline for immigrants, begin shuttering - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: Ive search the forum and unable to search the solution for my problem. Followers level up depending on your level, up to the follower's maximum level, which can vary. A Skyrim Follower is best described as humanoid or animal NPC (non-player character) who will follow you and obey specific primitive commands. If you ask her if she's ready the be shaman, she'll be skeptical: "I have been preparing for it all my life. Need something to do. I'm flattered, but the village is my home. You can then tell her that you aren't really sure what happened, but you saw Miraak, to which she'll say: "Where? I saved your life, remember? He served the dragons before their fall from power, as most did. We must go back to the village! These NPCs journey with you, encountering huge beasts, betrayals and quests. Can we reach him? Bizarrely, J’Zargo has the highest HP stat of any companion, which is a bit strange when you compare him to tanks like Farkas and Frea. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. Frea and J'zargo also level infinitely, as well. After The Fate of the Skaal she can be persuaded to become a follower. As you near the black book, she say: "There are dark magics at work here. Archived. As she enters the Great Chamber, she'll muse: "Amazing to think that they built this so long ago, and it still survives." The name Frea resembles the name of the Norse goddess Freyja, who is associated with love and passion. I have no doubt that lever turns these blades off. Edit: I've re-run the tests with both followers wearing tempered daedric armour, but this time I gave Frea a pair of tempered Stahlrim axes, as I said above. The follower still has all items. As you arrive, you'll find mindless workers building on the temple and Frea shouting at the ensnared workers: "Oslaf, please! Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. Neloth: "That's correct. He made his own path, and his actions cost him dearly. We need to find a way into the temple below." Best: Cicero. Top 10 Best Followers in Skyrim … Although Frea is not directly involved in this quest, she does have some comments if you have her as follower during the quest. After Storn dies, she'll exclaim: "Father! We take nothing for granted. Personally I got sick of Lydia quite quickly when first starting the game. The Skaal Shaman from Solstheim and the lead NPC of the Dragonborn DLC, Frea is the best follower in Skyrim. Once you pull the lever, she'll run down the hall and say: "Thank you. My personal favourite follower is Serana. Frea: "But how is that possible? She is sworn to carry the player’s burdens, and she really does carry … I have learned some of what he knows, but it is not my place to divulge anything to an outsider." We can proceed when you are ready." Familiar FacesAlright, this mod is by far the most original one on this list. When Neloth tells you to retrieve the last cube without his help, she'll be relieved: "Finally. 1 Relations 1.1 Storn 1.2 Unnamed Mother 1.3 Vath Firehall 1.4 Miraak 2 Armor Her father Storn, the village's shaman, died when Hermaeus-Mora attacked the Skaal Village. This question already has answers here: ... Browse other questions tagged the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim pc or ask your own question. To make sure it made a splash, trailers were sent out as the skirmishing fire of this new game. You can now ask her a few questions: What is the Tree Stone? The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Once you acquire the fifth cube, Frea will muse: "Now we will see if he knows what he is talking about." Frea will then exit conversation and say: "Come, there looks to be a way out through here." This is the destiny that the All-Maker has laid out for me." The question you should be asking yourself is which charatcer am I going to enjoy travelling with longer. You must fight against what is controlling you! How can we be sure the Skaal will remain free? This leveling occurs regardless if they are actively following you. Frea is a Nord living in Skaal Village. You’ll encounter Serana as part of the Dawnguard DLC. Frea is a Nord living in Skaal Village. When you press on further, she'll say: "How much deeper can this be? You can make her a permanent follower by either passing a persuasion check or successfully bribing her after completing 'The Fate of the Skaal.' This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Frea as permanent follower. But that's alright. If you prefer to adventure on the right side of justice, then the jester assassin, Cicero, is … Just completed the dragonborn main quest on Solstheim. When greeted, she'll now express hope: "If anyone can help us now, it is you." This shape-shifter can be intensely frustrating as a follower, but the payoff is well worth it. ", Frea will then sit by Storn to assist him with the barrier. Go, then. ", "I do not blame you. It seems wrong, somehow. It is not safe here! She'll then look up and say: "Look up there. When you ask her if that could still happen, she'll say: "Hah! Frea: (to you) "Please, tell Storn what has happened. A female Nord warrior from Skaal Village. Frea is daughter of the village shaman Storn Crag-Strider of Skaal Village, and will succeed him at the end of The Fate of the Skaal. Miraak took great pains to make it difficult to reach him, it seems. She will then look directly at you: "Go. If you tell her you need to learn the "secrets of the skaal" to defeat Miraak, she'll direct you to her father: "You must talk to Storn, then. ... Can I bring my Skyrim followers with me to Solstheim? ", and "I have much to learn yet from Storn, if I am to one day become the shaman. Choosing the its time for us to part ways dialogue option doesnt do anything. Serana's strengths are destruction, conjuration, and sneak. I shall wait here for now." Ysra [sic], I'm here to help you! Although her default gear is governed by the Heavy Armor skill, Frea is actually more proficient in light armor. I was a restless and angry child, and Skaf taught me swordplay so that I could, as he used to say, "put that fire to good use." Once Storn agrees to give up his secrets, she'll try to stop him: Frea: "Father, you must not do this. You'll now have two options: When you greet her, she will now mention the loss of her father and her new occupation: "My father was a noble man, and a true Skaal. This leveling occurs regardless if they are actively following you. Posted by 6 years ago. Frea Crag-Strider is a Nord of Solsthiem and lived with her father (deceased) at the Skaal Village. When exiting conversation, she'll simply say: "Farewell, outsider." or Breezehome. I shall look around. You can then say that the book took you to Miraak, which will have her respond with: "This is a dangerous thing, then. Lolno. Yet another DLC follower, Frea is a strong-headed member of the Skaals, a tribe of isolated Nords on the island of Solstheim. Close. As she dashes towards Storn, she'll tell him the discovery you made in the temple: Frea: "Father! Can Frea follow me back to Skyrim? I wonder if we will find some answers to what happened so long ago." Kill Miraak. It is the only way to free Solstheim forever from Miraak's shadow. We The Players Winners - November/December, This is a port to SSE of the original Skyrim mod. A priest in their order. In case of Lydia: Lydia will simply go back to Dragonsreach. Now lay down your tent and set up camp, because here is Every Skyrim Follower Ranked Worst To Best. Was it worth the effort?" Posted by 6 years ago. When you activate the boilers, she'll detect the Centurion: "Beware! Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. There is no question that I'm ready, but..." When you what, she'll reveal alternate aspirations: "It is not right that I should say this, because I must honor my father's wishes, but this is a path I never chose. It seems that the follower simply goes home where you can recruit them again. Once Miraak is defeated, Frea will walk up to you and ask: "I can feel it. ", "My heart is still heavy with the loss of my father. We must leave this place!" I made some minor changes to her appearance but tried to stay true to her original look. Storn: "I feared that it would be so." This may be worth exploring." When you free the villagers, she will start a new daily routine in the Skaal Village. There is yet hope! " Who were the poor souls trapped in these cages? Storn has used his magic to raise a barrier around it, protecting the few of us left. You must understand that, for the Skaal, life is a constant hardship. Frea won't stop following me no matter what. Once you progress far enough into the Dragonborn main questline, you can convince her to be a follower if your Speech is at least 25 (see this section). Our people are tied to the land itself. Frea was done after only 26 seconds this time. We can attempt to restore balance to our home.". As shaman, he is the keeper of such lore. 5. After completing The Fate of the Skaal, you can tell Frea you fight well with her and she should join you: "Join you? When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. She'll then once again turn to you and shout: "Do something!" Is Miraak defeated?" She knows the Alteration spells Ebonyflesh and Ironflesh, and the Restoration spells Close Wounds, Fast Healing, and Heal Other. This page does not exist. Image credit: HephaestusHD/YouTube. Frea: "I stand beside you, father, as always." As she heads to the next chamber, she'll run up to the statue and say: "I do not recognize this statuary. If you learn the first word of Bend Will at Saering's Watch and cleanse the Wind Stone before first meeting Frea, Storn will send you to find her. A follower levels up according to your level, up to the follower's maximum level (which varies for each). CiceroCicero is both annoying and incredibly interesting. 4. ", If you bring up her fighting abilities and ask her who taught her what she knows, she'll bring up her old mentor: "It was Skaf the Giant, our former chieftan [sic], who taught me the ways of battle. Frea is a Nord shaman found in the Skaal Village on Solstheim and is only available if you own the Dragonborn DLC. Seeing the remains hung up like trophies must have enraged them to no end." What have you done!" 15. She also makes comments in response to the context of other NPC's dialog. She was caught in a terrible snowstorm while returning home from gathering firewood. There comes a time when everything must change. No, stop!" Storn: "I fear there is too much we do not yet know." The "Amazing Follower Tweaks" or AFT mod is highly recommended and available in the steam workshop. This is a port of the original Skyrim mod to SSE with permission from the original author. No Frea Follower Dialogue - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: I recently completed The Fate Of Skaal Quest and afterwards, I was able to successfully persuade Frea to follow me. Frea is a Nord shaman found in the Skaal Village on Solstheim and is only available if you own the Dragonborn DLC. Here, yet... not. Given that, when I rate a “replacer”, it’s not on as steep a scale as a full “stand-alone follower”. As you proceed, she'll say: "It is eerily quiet. I feel it in my bones." Where is he? Where is Frea located? 2. "There are few of us left unaffected by this curse. Am considering buying Dragonborn DLC. When it comes to being chieftain, she is like a wolf with her jaws clamped tight upon a fresh kill. Actually Help: Lydia. I just wish he had seen another way. She is the daughter of Storn Crag-Strider, the village's shaman, and will replace him after his death. When you lower all three bridges in the first chamber, Frea will congratulate you with: "I think you did it." Oddly enough, her words get really choppy when she says that line. The whole concept of the … Each follower has their own unique perks, the way they talk or how they behave on your travels. I always thought that I would be a great hunter, or even the village chieftain." ", "Ysra [sic], can you hear me? I have no more words for you now.". Since Frea's amulet is part of her default outfit, it is somewhat more difficult to get her to equip necklaces as a follower, since they typically do not have an armor rating which would outclass her default amulet. Hi guys. Lolno. That book is... wrong. You can now ask why doesn't she live somewhere else, which will have her explain: "We are bound to this land, like a great pine with roots that run as deep as the tree is tall. Let us hope that is the last of these traps.". Affiliation of Faction: The Rift. Initially she can be found a the Temple of Miraak, pleading with the enthralled to return home. All of them have good stats for their class. Upon entering the first room of the temple, she'll say: "Are you ready to help me now? Be on your guard." Serana, Frea, Mjoll, Cicero, and the two nameless Dark Brotherhood Initiates are all essential followers. 6. There must be something more! After all this time..." The Oneness of the land is restored. All rights reserved. Active 4 years, 9 months ago. Where is Frea located? Let us move quickly." When she notices you, she'll approach you: "You there. He saw his death in that book. This leveling occurs regardless if they are actively following you.Prior to patch 1.6, a follower's skills, health, and other stats were set when they were first spawned (wh… If you use her as a follower throughout the Main Questline, she is one of the few companions that has unique dialog to environments or certain situations. You mean leave the village to journey with you and fight at your side? Tell me of your people, the Skaal. if that works then she will realize her people can take care of themselves. Close. I could see you, but also see through you!" We try to serve the All-Maker, to live in balance with nature, instead of exploiting it as others would." Frea is daughter of the village shaman Storn Crag-Strider of Skaal Village, and will succeed him at the end of The Fate of the Skaal. Services: Follower, Bride, Joining the Blades. Brelyna Maryon The Tree Stone is free again. He was a great man and a good leader. Temporary follower during The Temple of Miraak. Our people are lost to the madness that infects this island. Do not fail." It seemed as though you were not really here. You'll now have three options: If you chose the first or last option you'll have three more options: Either way, she'll say: "One more thing, Skaal-friend, if you will. You're here by yourself? Ready yourself. But unlike most, he turned against them. ", and "It's an honor to serve the Skaal as shaman, but I still miss my father." What tortures did they suffer at Miraak's hands? We cannot afford to. Frea: "No, but I have brought someone who has seen things... He/She has confirmed that Miraak is indeed behind the suffering of our people." - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: Ive exhausted every option I can think of. Nothing that lives remains the same forever. Each follower, except J'zargo, Celann DG, Durak DG, Ingjard DG and Frea DB, has a maximum level and a specific set of primary skills, which are dictated by their class. Each follower, except J'zargo, CelannDG, DurakDG, IngjardDG and FreaDB, has a maximum level and a specific set of primary skills, which are dictated by their class. ", "You must leave this place! Mjoll The Lioness. Frea (Dragonborn DLC) Another Dragonborn DLC exclusive, ... Lydia is the iconic Skyrim follower that even players who haven’t played the game yet know of, mostly because she’s been the subject of memes since pretty much the game first came out nearly a decade ago. 1. One of very few pure-blood vampires still roaming the world, she is central to the Dawnguard storyline. But ultimately, the choice of the best companion will depend on your play style, and your personal preferences, of course. With the release of the Skyrim Special Edition, it’s about time the best followers were covered. Brace yourself!" After you read the Black Book, Frea will walk up to you and say: "What happened to you? [Frea] can't be a permanent follower until you've completed the Dragonborn main quest, which you're unlikely to do below lvl 20 or so. You can now ask her who she is: "I am Frea of the Skaal. Have played Skyrim + Hearthfire for a long time and have a character done with the main quest and many faction quests. 1 Frea: Frea: Categories: Helpful NPC: Appears in: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn: View Corrections Link Image. We passed by a few of them earlier, but they are becoming more frequent as we get further in. After you free the Skaal from Miraak, she may now greet you with: "It's good that our people are now free. Thank the All-Maker! That being said, Frea of the Skaal, with her complete FOMOD and several customization options is a wonderful replacer, and nice addition to my Skyrim mods list. or "Frea! When you approach the southern section of the Workshop, she'll warn you: "Be careful." She told me to seek her out in the village and ended the dialogue. That being said, Frea of the Skaal, with her complete FOMOD and several customization options is a wonderful replacer, and nice addition to my Skyrim mods list. Perhaps Storn can make sense of what is going on." Frea is often overlooked as a follower due to her not being in a "marriage faction". The Skaal need a shaman and I know that is my place.". Once you progress far enough into the Dragonborn main questline, you can convince her to be a follower if your Speech is at least 25 (see this section). I do not like this place. "His story is as old as Solstheim itself. You must stop it!" I might try making a follower in the creation kit if its not too difficult. Frea as permanent follower. The consistency in the scores is reasonable. This must be it. There is no other way to say it." To avoid this, either dismiss her before reading the Black Book: Epistolary Acumen or right after you return from. My father Storn, the shaman, protects them in the village. Other two followers in Skyrim for you to find DawnGuard Hearthfire Skyrim Update Frea actually wanted to be a warrior or an archer but instead had to follow her destiny of being a shaman of the Skaal village. More Information Edit | History. They must be freed soon." As you arrive in Solstheim, its residents will seem dazed and under the influence of a mysterious force. cubes?" Description: A female Nord vampire found during the quest Awakening. Miraak was trying to take power here, and protect himself in the process." Why would he send you, an outsider, to find me when he knows why I have come here? When I talked to her again, there was no Follow me option. She is also invincible and will use restoration spells when her health is low. It makes them forget themselves, and work on these horrible creations that corrupt the Stones, the very land itself. Serana will come kitted out in vampire gear and uses a great combination of frost based attacks and the Drain Life spell. Most non-DLC followers won't have perks I believe though. 2. Frea as permanent follower. She does not have a level cap, and thus will keep accumulating experience indefinitely. What news do you bring? As she reaches the hall full of traps, she'll laugh and say: "I am not going down there. Dragonborn Frea won't follow. I have no doubt you can find a way up. She'll then walk over to the broken staircase and say: "The stairs are knocked out. I fashioned an amulet to guard me against whatever has taken hold of the Skaal, but it is the only one of its kind. Skyrim is still going strong, even after all these years. Oh, Lydia. For everyone else, Serana is an excellent option as a Skyrim follower. Barbas. He was a great bear of a man, and a fearsome warrior. Viewed 2k times -1. This is a Follower mod from ATF With four followers to find. You never know, you may find something of value up there. She is the daughter of Storn Crag-Strider, the village's shaman, and will replace him after his death. Frea can be found on the right side after entering the door to Dragonreach. When she is done searching the rooms, she'll say: "Take your time. Or if you say that death comes to everyone eventually, she'll say: "We Skaal do not fear death. ", and "You must listen to me! She dual wields a Stalhrim and Nordic War Axe. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. I forgot to say in the initial report that each weapon is also enchanted with 30 fire damage and has over 1000 hits per grand soul gem...ample for polishing off a few renegade Stormcloaks. Decent, but even with infinite leveling, they really are only better than the unperked warrior followers. (Vampire class) The closest thing to a shaman in the D&D mythos would be the Druid class. Hi guys. I leave the honor of pulling that handle to you. ", When you enter the Aqueduct, Neloth will complain about the swimming, to which Frea will respond with: "You should leave slogging around in the muck to us youngsters." At 10am, she'll head outside to sit next to Storn on the bench next to their house for three hour and then she will go back into the Shaman's hut and stay there until her bedtime at 10pm. Pros: She'll nuke everything from a safe distance and resurrect the last thing she nuked. What do you know about Miraak? Life never truly ends. We will not have to listen to his complaining." As you enter the Sanctum, Frea will comment: "I do not know what it is Miraak learned that gave him reason to turn on his masters. or "All-Maker guide you.". A follower levels up according to your level, up to the follower's maximum level (which varies for each). She mentions she has an amulet that protects her from the temple's curse. As you continue through the workshop, she'll comment: "It is rather impressive." Best Follower In Skyrim Ps3 The fully-voiced delight that is Sofia is a lore-friendly (depending on opinion and play style) follower who accompanies the Dragonborn on his (or her) adventures. 2. I can not return to the village until I have found the source of this evil. I have returned! All the infinitely leveling followers really get is extra health, stamina, and magicka, none of which are going to make an obvious difference compared to a level 40+ follower. I miss him dearly." At the Summit of Apocrypha: Confront Miraak at the summit of Apocryphaand defeat him once and for all. She was a series regular on A Skyrim Tale. She'll then run out of the temple and direct you attention to the Wind Stone: "You see that green light? You meet her at the Temple of Miraak on Solstheim. Frea wears Nordic carved armor with matching boots and gauntlets, as well as a unique Skaal amulet which protects her from Miraak's influence. Dragonborn Followers are added by the Skyrim Dragonborn add-on. When you travel to the next chamber, she'll comment: "I wonder if there is something here that tells the story of Miraak..." She'll then say: "Nothing but ruined books." Once you reach the next chamber, she'll notice a side passage and say: "Interesting. Forced follower during Bloodline, Chasing Echoes, Beyond Death, Unseen Visions, Touching the Sky, Kindred Judgment. Frea is a follower in Skyrim, who after being helped will assist the player in a number of ways. Mjoll … She is one of the few characters that automatically dual wields, the other being Rayya. What brings you to this place? She dual wielded the axes, as expected. You: `` I am not very skilled with editors in general follower Thanks to her again, is... Spells Ebonyflesh and Ironflesh, and there will likely be many most people will vaguely a! Questline for her to be a leader to the dragons razed his temple to the dining area just up... Has happened to them... '' Storn: `` Farewell, outsider. Frea Dark. 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