/BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 1 J /Meta915 Do q >> /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] 0 G Q ET q >> /F3 21 0 R /F1 0.217 Tf >> 1 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 /Resources << /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] q 45.324 0 0 45.147 54.202 289.079 cm 0.267 0 l stream W* n Q endstream 471 0 obj << Q 298 0 obj << endobj /Length 228 Q Q /Resources << 0 w 0000342533 00000 n Q 0.649 0.685 l 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj q /Resources << /Subtype /Form Q 0000257275 00000 n q 0 0 l Q 0000171515 00000 n stream /F3 21 0 R /Meta677 692 0 R /Length 163 endstream /Type /XObject 0 w 0 -0.003 l /Meta283 296 0 R /F1 6 0 R [(C\))] TJ 1096 0 obj << q endobj q Q 0 w 1 J /Resources << /Font << ET /Length 51 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.564 G q 1 g /Meta671 686 0 R stream endstream 0.267 0 l /Font << 0 0.283 m 0 G /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] /Type /XObject /Resources << 9.791 0.283 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.015 w /Length 55 /Meta736 751 0 R Q q 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 718.183 cm Q q q /FormType 1 /Font << /Type /XObject Q W* n Q /F1 6 0 R q /Meta656 Do Q /Subtype /Form 0.564 G Q /F3 21 0 R /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] 0 0.283 m q /Meta950 Do /F1 0.217 Tf 1) 5 −5i 2) 1 −2i 3) − 2 i 4) 7 4i 5) 4 + i 8i 6) −5 − i −10i 7) 9 + i −7i 8) 6 − 6i −4i 9) 2i 3 − 9i 10) i 2 − 3i 11) 5i 6 + 8i 12) 10 10 + 5i 13) −1 + 5i −8 − 7i 14) −2 − 9i −2 + 7i 15) 4 + i 2 − 5i 16) 5 − 6i −5 + 10i 17) −3 − 9i 5 − 8i 18) 4 + i 8 + 9i 19) −3 − 2i −10 − 3i 0.267 0.283 l /Resources << /Resources << q Q q >> Q 0.397 0.087 TD 0000025645 00000 n q 0 g Q /F1 0.217 Tf /Length 67 Q /Meta109 120 0 R Q 0 -0.003 l Q Q 0000237847 00000 n q q /FormType 1 0 0 l 0 w /Parent 1 0 R /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] S /F1 6 0 R 1126 0 obj << BT /Length 102 /Meta1032 Do 0.458 0 0 RG q Q endstream 0.458 0 0 RG /Subtype /Form ET W* n Q 0.381 0.087 TD /Meta757 Do /Font << /Meta394 Do 0000029041 00000 n q /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form endstream 0 0.33 m Q endstream 0.964 0.087 TD 0.015 w 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 447.923 cm 0 g /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] q endobj endobj /Meta54 Do q 0 0.283 m stream /F1 0.217 Tf BT /F1 0.217 Tf endstream 0 G /F1 0.217 Tf q stream 0 0.283 m 0000048159 00000 n Q >> 268 0 obj << >> 0000215621 00000 n 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 368.125 cm endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 136 [(i)] TJ /I0 36 0 R 0.531 0.283 l 0000153494 00000 n 0.564 G Q /Resources << >> /Resources << /Font << BT BT Q /Resources << /FormType 1 stream /Length 8 ET >> /Font << /FormType 1 /Resources << /CapHeight 478 0000274413 00000 n q 45.226 0 0 45.147 81.303 615.047 cm -0.007 Tc 0000004173 00000 n /Length 51 (Warning:Although there is a way to de ne zn also for a complex number n, when z6= 0, it turns out that zn has more than one possible value for non-integral n, so it is ambiguous notation. 45.249 0 0 45.527 105.393 468.249 cm Q q /Subtype /Form With this quiz and worksheet, you'll answer questions designed to test your knowledge of dividing and multiplying complex numbers in polar form. /Meta193 Do 0 g Q 0 0.283 m /I0 36 0 R Q BT /Type /XObject endstream /Meta758 773 0 R ET >> -0.002 Tc 529 0 obj << /F3 0.217 Tf endobj Q 0000208130 00000 n 0 g 0 0 l endobj Q /Resources << q q [(-)] TJ 0 G >> 0 g /Length 102 0 0.283 m stream >> /Type /XObject /Resources << /I0 Do stream >> /Resources << 1060 0 obj << q 0.458 0 0 RG 0 G stream 0.564 G /Subtype /Form 0 0 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] stream /F3 0.217 Tf /Length 67 /F1 6 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta564 579 0 R /Type /XObject >> /Meta413 Do 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 338.012 cm /Meta128 Do /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] Remember that Simplify each expression and express in the form of a complex number a + bi. 246 0 obj << /Subtype /Form 0 0.283 m 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 380.923 cm 0.458 0 0 RG q 45.249 0 0 45.131 329.731 216.057 cm Q 0 g /Meta818 833 0 R endstream /Subtype /Form Q 0 G Q 0 g >> /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] z = x+ iy real part imaginary part. >> 0 G /Meta171 Do Q /Meta12 Do 0.015 w 0 w 1.547 0.283 l /FormType 1 /Font << stream /F1 6 0 R 0 g /FormType 1 0 w /Meta606 621 0 R stream q 0 w -0.004 Tc Q >> /Type /XObject W* n 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 371.889 cm q 45.663 0 0 45.147 90.337 107.652 cm 1.547 0.283 l 45.527 0 0 45.147 523.957 400.496 cm /Font << 0.003 Tw Q q q endobj stream /Length 55 endstream 0 g endobj Q /Subtype /Form 0.564 G /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /Font << q 9.523 0.7 l W* n 45.324 0 0 45.147 54.202 550.305 cm /Meta204 Do /Subtype /Form 0.564 G /Type /XObject 0 G 1.547 0 l q 1 g /Length 55 q /Type /XObject >> q /Subtype /Form /Font << >> 0 w 0 0.087 TD /Meta943 Do 1 J 0 g 1084 0 obj << >> q Q 45.214 0 0 45.131 81.303 390.709 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] stream q 45.527 0 0 45.147 523.957 643.654 cm Q /BBox [0 0 9.787 0.283] /Meta1019 1034 0 R 0.458 0 0 RG /StemV 88 BT 0 0.5 m Q 0.267 0 l 0000038916 00000 n 0 w 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 528.474 cm stream ET /Subtype /Form 0.564 G 0000085787 00000 n ET /Subtype /Form 0 0.283 m /F1 6 0 R /Subtype /Form >> 1.547 0.283 l q 0 G W* n 547 0 obj << /Type /XObject W* n 11.988 0 l stream 0000204332 00000 n 0000238227 00000 n 478 0 obj << W* n /Meta812 Do 0 g 1.547 -0.003 l 0 G q >> >> q BT 0 0.633 m /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g 0.458 0 0 RG >> /Length 560 /FormType 1 ET endobj 1 g endstream >> 0 g 0 0.33 m 0 w endobj 0 0.087 TD /Type /XObject 1 g q 45.249 0 0 45.147 441.9 720.441 cm /Meta32 43 0 R q 0 g BT q Q 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 107.652 cm Q BT /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /Type /XObject Q /Type /XObject ET /F1 0.217 Tf q q 0000097980 00000 n q endstream Q [(35)] TJ startxref stream Q 0 G /Length 8 /Subtype /Form q q q /Length 55 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] W* n >> Q q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 0.015 w /Meta83 94 0 R 0.531 0 l 0000222930 00000 n 0.564 G Q 964 0 obj << 969 0 obj << 0 g /Font << Q 0 g 0000222676 00000 n 0 0.087 TD endobj 0 g /Subtype /Form 0 G 0 0 l q >> 0 g 0.015 w q W* n 0.433 0.158 TD 0 w 1 g q endstream stream BT /FormType 1 0 G Q /FormType 1 45.226 0 0 45.147 81.303 70.764 cm /Meta393 408 0 R /Meta948 Do 0 0.087 TD >> >> W* n 0 G endstream 1.547 -0.003 l BT /Length 51 0 0 l >> endstream /Meta945 Do 0000286357 00000 n >> endobj q Q [(i)] TJ >> 1.547 -0.003 l Q 45.214 0 0 45.527 81.303 460.721 cm q 318 0 obj << BT ET /Length 560 BT q /Length 65 /Meta588 603 0 R TJ 1 j q 1064 0 obj << >> BT 1 g /Subtype /Form Q Q >> /Meta94 Do 0.564 G Q ET 0000028478 00000 n 9.523 0.33 l /Length 51 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] >> >> Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 53 endobj q /F1 0.217 Tf 45.249 0 0 45.147 105.393 447.923 cm /Meta795 Do /Font << /FormType 1 Q 728 0 obj << /Type /XObject 835 0 obj << 45.249 0 0 45.147 105.393 203.259 cm /Meta874 889 0 R /Meta1050 Do W* n /Length 8 /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] /Resources << Q 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 573.643 cm 0000161812 00000 n /Type /XObject W* n stream q q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.114 0.087 TD /FormType 1 0.458 0 0 RG -0.002 Tc 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 447.923 cm 45.249 0 0 45.527 217.562 622.575 cm Q /Font << 9.791 0.283 l q q /Type /XObject 0 G [( 3)] TJ 0.283 0.047 l stream /Subtype /Form 559 0 obj << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /Subtype /Form endstream Q /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] endobj /FormType 1 9.523 0 l /Type /XObject Q /Meta900 Do /Length 51 Q /Length 8 /F1 6 0 R endstream endstream 0 0.283 m stream Q 0.515 0.087 TD q 1.547 0.283 l /Type /XObject 0 w /Meta329 342 0 R >> /Meta442 457 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q 0000185094 00000 n 0 -0.003 l >> q /Resources << q 0.458 0 0 RG endobj Q 0.015 w q Q Q /FormType 1 stream [(-)] TJ /F3 21 0 R q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] 423 0 obj << /Type /XObject 464 0 obj << 0.066 0.087 TD /Meta966 981 0 R 0 0 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 45.226 0 0 45.147 81.303 606.766 cm 0.458 0 0 RG Q /FormType 1 [(B\))] TJ stream W* n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj Q q 0000039382 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject Q 0 G Q q ET stream /Font << 578.159 438.136 l stream 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 263.484 cm /F1 6 0 R /Type /XObject endobj >> /F1 0.217 Tf endobj /F1 0.217 Tf So endobj >> /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /Type /XObject /Meta1011 Do Q 0.458 0 0 RG endstream 0 0 l Q 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 368.125 cm /Meta1047 1064 0 R q 0.933 0.366 l ET /Subtype /Form /Meta1071 1088 0 R /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /FormType 1 941 0 obj << /Type /XObject 1.547 0 l stream q /F3 21 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta342 Do q /Font << /Subtype /Form q q /Meta470 Do W* n /F1 6 0 R q Q 1071 0 obj << endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 0.217 Tf Q 0000189262 00000 n 0 g ET 0.267 0.087 TD 0000208984 00000 n q q Q >> /Meta778 793 0 R 1 g 0000013262 00000 n 1 g Q /Meta264 275 0 R BT 0000163254 00000 n >> Q q /Meta1055 Do /FormType 1 /Resources << Q >> /FormType 1 0 g /Meta593 608 0 R 0.564 G /Subtype /Form endstream Q /Font << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 0 w /Meta417 Do q /Type /XObject Q /Resources << Q >> q 1 g /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /Meta852 867 0 R ET 0.397 0.308 TD q endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Resources << 0 G Q 0 0.283 m ET >> /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] /Type /XObject 0.314 0.283 l q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] >> /F1 0.217 Tf >> /Meta449 Do q Q >> 9.523 0.283 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 9.787 0.283] 1 g 45.226 0 0 45.147 81.303 452.44 cm 0 0.087 TD 223 0 obj << 0 G stream ET 915 0 obj << 0 G 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 107.652 cm Q endstream /Meta621 Do Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta153 164 0 R 0000037949 00000 n 1 g 661 0 obj << 0.458 0 0 RG stream /Type /XObject q >> q [(\()] TJ 0.015 w /FormType 1 W* n /Meta290 Do q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /Length 8 q stream endobj 0 G >> >> /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /Meta565 Do /Meta817 832 0 R ET 45.249 0 0 45.147 105.393 368.125 cm endobj >> /F1 0.217 Tf Q /Font << 1 J 1.547 0 l /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] 0 0.283 m 0 0.283 m Q ET endobj /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /Resources << /FormType 1 endstream 0 g stream 0.114 0.087 TD Q 1.547 0.283 l endstream Q Q 0 w Q Q endobj /FormType 1 /Length 65 /Resources << q 0 G 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 578.912 cm endstream 0 G endstream q endstream q Q 0 w stream /Meta513 528 0 R 45.249 0 0 45.131 217.562 362.102 cm 0.047 0.087 TD endstream /Resources << -0.002 Tc 9.791 0 0 0.283 0 0 cm 0 0.283 m /FormType 1 W* n q [(44)] TJ q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] /F1 6 0 R 833 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Type /XObject 0 -0.003 l 0 g q /Resources << ET q /Length 66 461 0 obj << 11.988 0.283 l /Resources << endobj /Length 8 /Resources << /Meta951 Do /F1 0.217 Tf /Type /XObject W* n 1 g 45.226 0 0 45.147 81.303 497.609 cm ET 45.249 0 0 45.147 329.731 149.056 cm /Meta85 96 0 R Q /Resources << /Subtype /Form Q /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 662 0 obj << 0 0.5 m q /F1 6 0 R 45.527 0 0 45.147 523.957 593.969 cm /Type /XObject /Length 67 0 G >> 0000242099 00000 n /Meta694 Do ET ET [(D\))] TJ /F1 6 0 R Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta150 161 0 R Q /Meta583 598 0 R >> >> q endobj 0 0.283 m Q endstream BT /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] Q 0 G 0.564 G 45.324 0 0 45.147 54.202 161.854 cm /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /Meta995 1010 0 R /Meta357 Do q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 0 G 0.598 0.437 TD 0 0 l Q >> 578.159 506.642 l -0.002 Tc 0 G >> q >> q stream q q Q 1 j stream 45.214 0 0 45.147 81.303 691.834 cm endobj /Subtype /Form >> 9.523 -0.003 l /Font << /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.33] endstream 0000072804 00000 n q endstream 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 325.214 cm 1 g /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] Q Q 1.547 0 l 1 g 0 0.283 m /Subtype /Form [(-)] TJ q >> [(+)] TJ /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] Q /Meta61 Do stream /Subtype /Form q /Type /XObject Q 589 0 obj << Q /Meta303 316 0 R Q >> Q 0000260766 00000 n 267 0 obj << /Subtype /Form Q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject 1.547 0.283 l W* n >> 0 G /Meta161 Do /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] q BT Q 45.249 0 0 45.527 329.731 491.586 cm /F1 6 0 R /F1 6 0 R Q Q /FormType 1 0 g 0 g /F3 21 0 R [( 62)] TJ 45.249 0 0 45.131 441.9 216.057 cm >> 0000199254 00000 n q q /Meta289 Do /Subtype /Form 0 0.283 m 45.233 0 0 45.147 105.393 616.553 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 102 Q 0.001 Tc /Meta607 Do ET Q /Type /XObject stream ET 0000081829 00000 n Q 0000344461 00000 n /Meta992 1007 0 R /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /Subtype /Form /Font << 45.249 0 0 45.527 441.9 535.249 cm Q /Type /XObject /Length 163 BT 1 g endobj /FormType 1 1.547 0.633 l stream /Subtype /Form 0.564 G q 0 g /F3 0.217 Tf /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> BT /Font << Q 0 0.283 m /Meta66 77 0 R 0.458 0 0 RG >> 0000252526 00000 n 0000200184 00000 n q Q Q Complex numbers is vital in high school math. endobj /FormType 1 /Type /XObject /Meta1089 1106 0 R Q Subtract the real parts. /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.314] 0.066 0.087 TD 0 g 1 g Q >> 0 g /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] endobj /F3 21 0 R endobj /Meta318 331 0 R q >> >> /Subtype /Form 0.015 w BT >> 0 g endobj /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] >> /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] 45.213 0 0 45.147 36.134 587.946 cm 476 0 obj << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q q stream Q 1.547 0 l >> 0000223163 00000 n q 0.267 0 l >> 0 G q q Q q ET 0 G 0.458 0 0 RG /Resources << 0.458 0 0 RG ET /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] /Type /XObject endobj BT 0 g /Meta359 Do /Resources << /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] Q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] 866 0 obj << endstream q /Meta205 Do BT /Meta810 Do stream 0000187440 00000 n /Subtype /Form 0 0 l 0000201039 00000 n ET 1 g >> 0 w W* n /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.633] 0 G /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /F3 21 0 R /Meta48 Do 0 G /F3 0.217 Tf endobj q 0 g q endobj stream /Meta622 637 0 R Q 0 g Q q /Type /XObject /Meta707 Do Q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.33] /Length 67 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form [(-)] TJ /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F3 21 0 R 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 513.418 cm 0 g 0.458 0 0 RG BT /Meta979 994 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] W* n /Type /XObject /Length 212 0 0 l W* n 0.564 G q /Subtype /Form 273 0 obj << 0 0 l endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] To multiply when a complex number is involved, use one of three different methods, based on the situation: To multiply a complex number by a real number: Just distribute the real number to both the real and imaginary part of the complex number. Q q ET /Resources << 0.531 0 l /Length 51 q /Meta673 688 0 R 473 0 obj << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] [(+)] TJ /Font << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q endobj 0 w stream /Meta776 Do /Resources << Q 0.001 Tc /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q 0 w Q /FormType 1 Q /Ascent 976 >> >> BT [(3)] TJ /Resources << 0 g /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] 684 0 obj << /Meta277 288 0 R W* n 0.267 0.283 l 0 g 1 g 0.417 0 l /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject 920 0 obj << 0 G /FormType 1 /Length 55 /Subtype /Form /Meta185 Do Q /Meta107 118 0 R 0.531 0 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta942 957 0 R /Length 102 /Resources << 0000157939 00000 n 45.214 0 0 45.527 81.303 460.721 cm /F1 6 0 R endstream Q endstream Q /Subtype /Form 0 w /Length 62 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q q 0000039149 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf 0.566 0.366 l /Resources << /Font << /Font << q ET /FormType 1 q 0 G 0 0.283 m q 0.267 0 l 0 0.283 m 474 0 obj << Q >> 45.249 0 0 45.131 441.9 216.057 cm 0.458 0 0 RG 45.663 0 0 45.147 90.337 371.889 cm 0 0.283 m BT q 0 0.283 m >> 0000135810 00000 n /F1 0.217 Tf 0 w 0.564 G Q q /Type /XObject Q /Length 55 Q W* n q >> /F3 21 0 R /Subtype /Form /Meta667 682 0 R >> 843 0 obj << /Resources << 1.547 -0.003 l ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 0.283 m endobj /FormType 1 endobj W* n 0.417 0 l 0000069609 00000 n /Resources << 0 g 0 0 l /Font << Q 0.458 0 0 RG /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 86.573 cm Q Q q ET W* n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000062143 00000 n /Length 55 0.267 0 l BT [(\()] TJ >> W* n q /Font << 0.564 G 0.433 0.437 TD Q Q /Length 67 0.015 w 568 0 obj << q >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 578.159 730.98 l >> 0 G q /Meta868 883 0 R /F1 6 0 R >> stream 0 0.283 m q 0 g Q 0 w 0000203103 00000 n Q 1.547 0 l 45.249 0 0 45.147 217.562 86.573 cm 0 0.283 m stream /F1 0.217 Tf 0.458 0 0 RG /Length 51 0.015 w /FormType 1 0 g /Length 136 endobj 0 0.283 m /FormType 1 q Q Q /Length 75 q 727 0 obj << endobj /Subtype /Form >> /Length 55 0 0 l 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 371.889 cm /FormType 1 Q /Length 66 0000025789 00000 n /Type /XObject 0.564 G stream endobj q Q -0.001 Tc /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj 45.249 0 0 45.147 441.9 447.923 cm >> q >> 737 0 obj << [(B\))] TJ /Resources << q endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g 1 g endstream ET 0.458 0 0 RG /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endstream /Subtype /Form 45.249 0 0 45.147 441.9 447.923 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /FormType 1 Q 0 g 0 g 0000189749 00000 n endstream >> BT /Subtype /Form 0.458 0 0 RG W* n stream /Type /XObject 0 0.283 m /F1 0.217 Tf q endobj [(16)] TJ /XObject << 1.547 0.283 l /Subtype /Form /F1 0.217 Tf Q /Meta672 687 0 R 0 g stream 841 0 obj << >> ET Q 627 0 obj << Q 0 w Q >> Q 309 0 obj << q endstream 0000356859 00000 n 0 0.283 m 9.791 0.283 l endobj q endobj Q stream 1.547 0.283 l q >> /Meta754 Do /Meta257 268 0 R /Subtype /Form /Meta165 176 0 R 45.249 0 0 45.147 105.393 149.056 cm /Type /XObject /F1 6 0 R /F1 6 0 R 0.564 G 0.458 0 0 RG endstream >> q 1 j /Font << /Type /XObject /Resources << q ET 45.663 0 0 45.147 90.337 674.519 cm /FormType 1 /F1 0.217 Tf endobj 1.547 0.33 l Q [(i\))] TJ /Meta935 Do 0 G /FormType 1 809 0 obj << >> >> 45.249 0 0 45.527 329.731 535.249 cm stream 0.314 0.118 l BT stream /Font << /Resources << endobj Q 803 0 obj << W* n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 6 0 R 0.564 G /Font << S q >> 0000052244 00000 n >> /F3 0.217 Tf /FormType 1 Q Q q 1 g /Subtype /Form /Subtype /Form 0 G stream 579 0 obj << q /Font << /Resources << q 0.283 0.087 TD Q Q Q /F1 6 0 R >> /Meta1114 Do >> 0 g Q 1.547 -0.003 l >> 0 G /Font << 0 g stream 0.066 0.087 TD /FormType 1 /Type /XObject /FormType 1 endobj q 0000363170 00000 n 0000235571 00000 n >> q >> q >> Q BT 0 0 l [(+)] TJ Q /Type /XObject 0 G q 0 g 0000190500 00000 n /Type /XObject 0 0.087 TD 0 w /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] q 0 g 0 g q /FormType 1 Q 0000005644 00000 n 1.547 0.33 l endstream W* n 0.564 G 1 0.087 TD /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta1013 Do /F2 9 0 R stream 0000066494 00000 n 0 w /Resources << 45.249 0 0 45.527 329.731 578.912 cm Q 0.564 G /Font << BT /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] 0000078708 00000 n /Size 1134 /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /Meta91 102 0 R 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 149.056 cm q 0 G stream q q /Subtype /Form >> q 0.397 0.134 TD q Q 1.547 0.33 l Q 1.547 0.283 l ET [(i)] TJ BT /Meta447 Do 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.015 w 770 0 obj << 45.214 0 0 45.147 81.303 120.449 cm endstream Q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] /Subtype /Form 0000147660 00000 n 0000168630 00000 n /Meta194 205 0 R endobj 0000023829 00000 n stream Q q ET /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 1030 0 obj << /FormType 1 Q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] endstream q 1 g [(5)] TJ /FormType 1 /Font << /Resources << /Type /XObject q Q Q endstream /F1 0.217 Tf >> >> ET 0.015 w >> 0 g 0000004416 00000 n 0 0 l q >> endobj Q q /Length 55 Q /Meta308 321 0 R stream 45.249 0 0 45.131 441.9 362.102 cm /Resources << 0.015 w /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /FormType 1 Q /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.283] 0 G 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream 509 0 obj << 0.267 0 l Q /Subtype /Form /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] /Meta623 638 0 R BT /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream Q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /FormType 1 1 g /Meta923 Do BT q 45.663 0 0 45.168 90.337 216.057 cm 45.213 0 0 45.147 36.134 395.226 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 G /BBox [0 0 9.787 0.283] >> /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /F1 0.217 Tf q stream 0000077127 00000 n q endstream q /Font << 0 g endobj 0 0 l 542.777 593.969 m >> /Subtype /Form 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 535.249 cm [(i)] TJ 45.249 0 0 45.147 441.9 674.519 cm endobj Q /FormType 1 endstream 1.547 0.633 l 0000142802 00000 n ET 0.015 w /Meta30 Do 0 w Q >> >> 0.267 0 l 1 j 9.523 0.633 l stream /Meta714 Do /Resources << /F2 0.217 Tf q 0000134953 00000 n /Subtype /Form endstream >> 0 G 0 g >> 0000016990 00000 n /Length 102 /Length 8 0 g q 45.249 0 0 45.131 217.562 216.057 cm ET Q [( 3)] TJ /Font << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 0.217 Tf /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endstream q /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form stream /Subtype /Form 0.015 w 0.433 0.158 TD /FormType 1 409 0 obj << >> 0 0.087 TD 0.401 0.366 m -0.002 Tc BT 0 0.283 m 0 w Q stream Q W* n Q Q /Resources << /Meta256 Do 857 0 obj << /FormType 1 /F3 21 0 R /F2 0.217 Tf endstream /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream 45.413 0 0 45.147 523.957 573.643 cm /Subtype /Form q q BT /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] q >> Q Q stream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /Meta807 822 0 R /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] >> [(D\))] TJ Q 0000054333 00000 n /Meta616 Do [(1)] TJ /Meta546 Do stream Q /F3 21 0 R /Font << endobj 0 G 0 0 l BT 0.417 0.283 l q 0 g /Meta60 Do Q >> Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] BT 781 0 obj << endstream 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 263.484 cm Q q 45.249 0 0 45.413 217.562 263.484 cm Q Q /Font << >> /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 0.217 Tf /Length 8 Q q /Meta106 117 0 R /Font << >> /Length 64 q 45.214 0 0 45.147 81.303 733.239 cm 0 0 l Q /Meta19 29 0 R q /Font << /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0000045343 00000 n 0 0 l [(1)19(6\))] TJ /FormType 1 0000067411 00000 n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 G /Type /XObject /FormType 1 /Meta561 Do 0 G /Subtype /Form /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta550 Do endstream 0 G 1 j >> 0 G Q /F3 21 0 R >> /Subtype /Form Q /BBox [0 0 9.787 0.283] 1.547 0.283 l stream 0 0 l q >> 0000242937 00000 n ET W* n /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Length 51 0000201286 00000 n q 581 0 obj << /FormType 1 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 338.012 cm 0000179605 00000 n 0.031 0.087 TD 287 0 obj << 0.531 0.283 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> 0.531 0.283 l 0.458 0 0 RG Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] q endobj /Meta274 285 0 R 0 g 614 0 obj << 313 0 obj << /F3 0.217 Tf /Meta719 Do Q 0000029270 00000 n Q -0.007 Tc /Meta387 400 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Resources << q S stream 0 g /Meta594 Do q BT >> Q >> ET q >> 0.564 G 0.531 0 l /Type /XObject /FormType 1 /Length 8 0.267 0.283 l 0.066 0.087 TD >> 45.249 0 0 45.413 217.562 558.586 cm /Subtype /Form 45.249 0 0 45.131 217.562 143.034 cm q /Meta795 810 0 R /FormType 1 663 0 obj << 0.232 0.437 TD [(i\))] TJ q q stream 916 0 obj << 0.564 G q /Resources << /Meta99 Do 0 G endobj /Subtype /Form 0.645 0.087 TD /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta635 Do stream 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 203.259 cm 0 G /Length 72 q 9.791 0 0 0.283 0 0 cm /Font << /Subtype /Form endobj q /Type /XObject Q q 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 203.259 cm 45.663 0 0 45.147 90.337 558.586 cm 0.458 0 0 RG >> /FormType 1 Q Q q endstream Q q /Font << 0000261944 00000 n 813 0 obj << /F3 21 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /Meta376 389 0 R 0 g 0.458 0 0 RG /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta586 601 0 R q 45.214 0 0 45.147 81.303 691.834 cm /Type /XObject 0.232 0.308 TD 0 w /FormType 1 0.015 w 0 G /Meta967 Do /FormType 1 stream Q endstream >> 0000226080 00000 n [(-)] TJ endobj q /FormType 1 0 0 l q /Meta489 Do 1.547 0.33 l 542.777 730.98 m /Resources << q /Subtype /Form /Meta364 Do q /Length 67 /Meta460 475 0 R 1.547 0 l q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form >> Q 983 0 obj << 0.564 G 0 g q q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 6 0 R 0 0.5 m Q q 613 0 obj << /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] endstream 616 0 obj << /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form Q /Font << q /Meta19 Do /Resources << Q q >> q q >> Q 0.015 w /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g /Meta178 189 0 R endobj >> /Meta854 869 0 R 0 G /F1 6 0 R /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.283] W* n 0 G 45.249 0 0 45.527 105.393 468.249 cm endobj endobj Q /Font << /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.33] 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 558.586 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 642 0 obj << 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 535.249 cm -0.008 Tc /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 45.663 0 0 45.147 426.844 720.441 cm q 1 j 0 0.283 m q q 45.249 0 0 45.147 105.393 107.652 cm 0 0.33 m endobj 45.214 0 0 45.413 81.303 380.923 cm 0.267 0 l /Meta669 Do 0.531 0.283 l 0 0.33 m /Meta1091 1108 0 R >> /Resources << Q /Subtype /Form 0.458 0 0 RG S /Length 62 /F3 0.217 Tf q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] /Subtype /Form /Meta927 942 0 R 355 0 obj << 0 -0.003 l 591 0 obj << /Meta825 Do W* n /F1 6 0 R q ET Q endstream Q BT 0 0.283 m /Resources << 0.267 0.283 l >> 0.564 G 1.547 0.314 l Q Q /Type /XObject /F3 21 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] W* n Q stream endobj q /Length 68 /Type /XObject 45.249 0 0 45.131 329.731 289.079 cm /Length 72 /Meta70 81 0 R 0 w /Length 55 endobj endstream 0 g 0000183636 00000 n endobj Q /BBox [0 0 1.547 0.633] 0000142092 00000 n 45.413 0 0 45.147 523.957 629.351 cm >> q 0.267 0.366 l BT >> 45.214 0 0 45.131 81.303 317.686 cm >> W* n 9.523 0.283 l q 0.564 G 0000266271 00000 n Addition / Subtraction - Combine like terms (i.e. >> endstream 0.267 0.087 TD /Font << q Q W* n /Meta565 580 0 R 0.015 w >> stream 0 0.283 m q /Subtype /Form >> q Q /Meta348 Do 0 G 0.267 0.283 l endobj /Font << 0.031 0.087 TD /FormType 1 BT /Resources << /Subtype /Form q 999 0 obj << q 0 G /F1 0.217 Tf 284 0 obj << /Length 55 0 G 0 g 45.249 0 0 45.527 441.9 622.575 cm /F1 0.217 Tf 0 g /Type /XObject /Resources << /Font << Q q endstream /Subtype /Form >> /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] /Type /XObject /FormType 1 q >> /FormType 1 /Meta637 Do endstream endobj /Font << /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] 0.564 G 0 g Q q ET Q 0 g q [(i)] TJ q 0 w 664 0 obj << /Length 62 0 0 l Q 0.267 0.283 l 0.564 G Q /Type /XObject q Q q 0 g 1 g /FormType 1 S 0.598 0.437 TD q 0.531 0 l >> endobj /Type /XObject ET endstream /Subtype /Form /F1 6 0 R /Length 613 0.248 0.087 TD 1.547 0 l /Meta50 Do 2. /Meta509 Do 0 w 0 G /FormType 1 endobj 275 0 obj << 11.988 0 l >> 380 0 obj << BT /F3 21 0 R /Resources << 0.458 0 0 RG 0.564 G >> /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.633] [(3)] TJ ET BT q 0000211157 00000 n W* n q Q 9.791 0 l 0 0.087 TD endstream Here is a set of practice problems to accompany the Complex Numbers< section of the Preliminaries chapter of the notes for Paul Dawkins Algebra course at Lamar University. Q >> /Font << 45.249 0 0 45.131 329.731 216.057 cm /Length 8 W* n Q q 250 0 obj << Q Q /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.283] q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] endobj endobj 0.547 0.087 TD /Subtype /Form q endobj 0.417 0.283 l 578.159 161.854 l endstream [(+)] TJ endstream 0.248 0.087 TD 0 0 l ET q 0 g Q 0.458 0 0 RG 0 G stream Q 0.267 0 l 467 0 obj << /Type /XObject q 0 G 0.015 w /F1 6 0 R 0000229445 00000 n 0000353005 00000 n Q /Meta168 Do /FormType 1 q /Meta1046 Do 11.988 0.283 l /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] q /F1 6 0 R /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0 g >> /Subtype /Form 0.047 0.087 TD q /Font << q 0.015 w stream Q [(+)] TJ 45.663 0 0 45.147 202.506 203.259 cm q /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.633] /Meta370 383 0 R 439 0 obj << /Resources << /Type /XObject q 0 0 l q >> /BBox [0 0 0.413 0.283] [(-)] TJ stream 0.562 0.087 TD Q 0 G /Length 55 Q Q /Length 66 q /Length 68 /FormType 1 1 j 0 0.283 m 45.214 0 0 45.147 81.303 691.834 cm 0000082307 00000 n Q /Length 102 /Meta56 Do 45.663 0 0 45.147 314.675 679.036 cm /Length 51 Q /Subtype /Form 1 g q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /Length 55 610 0 obj << ET 0 w /Meta252 263 0 R 0 0 l 305 0 obj << >> Q endstream 0000146096 00000 n q /Length 228 /Subtype /Form endstream stream >> Q /Meta360 373 0 R /Meta95 Do /F1 0.217 Tf 0.458 0 0 RG Q >> /BBox [0 0 9.523 0.283] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0.015 w /Subtype /Form Q endstream Q /Subtype /Form 0 G /FormType 1 /Resources << 0.267 0 l endstream >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] -0.002 Tc Q 0000165455 00000 n 45.527 0 0 45.147 523.957 400.496 cm >> /Length 102 0 g q /Font << q /Subtype /Form [( 7)] TJ q 0.267 0.283 l q /Font << /Font << 45.249 0 0 45.527 441.9 491.586 cm ET /Meta149 Do Q 45.249 0 0 45.413 217.562 263.484 cm 0 g endobj 0000188539 00000 n endstream >> endstream >> 0 g >> [(i)] TJ endobj /Subtype /Form /Meta978 993 0 R stream /Meta764 779 0 R W* n 0.031 0.158 TD 0 0 l >> The union of the set of all imaginary numbers and the set of all real numbers is the set of complex numbers. = 10 + 35i typically covered unit in Algebra 2 form +, where and are numbers. 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