Culture Genre Begonia . At the end of summer, when the plants die away these bulbils fall around the area. Begonia grandis ssp. Annuals, Perennials, Vines, and Groundcovers. To extend the blooming period, be sure to deadhead expired flowers. evansiana bah-GO-nyah GRAN-dis subspecies eh-vanz-ee-AY-nah Audio This tuberous begonia bears green heart-shaped foliage with red veining and claret-stained undersides that steal the show when backlit. For the most part, begonias are not frost hardy, which is why plant owners often keep them indoors or store them inside come wintertime. evansiana var. Botanical name: Begonia grandis Hardiness: USDA Zones (5)6 to 9. Begonia grandis, or Hardy Begonia, is an herbaceous perennial flowering plant often treated as a southern heirloom passed from garden to garden. A hardy variety introduced from Sapporo, Japan by the late, great, Micheal Wickenden. Hardy Begonia. Forum consacré aux plantes d'intérieur et d'extérieur. If planted from seed, the plants will show some variation; if planted from bulbils, the plants will be the same as  the parent plant. White Plants Black Walnut Tree Beautiful Gardens Best Perennials Unusual Plants Part Shade Plants Shade Garden Plants Plants Begonia. Les tiges florales rouges, pendantes portent des fleurs parfumées, roses, jusqu'aux premières gelées. Unavailable per item Price is for four small bulbils. Prefer light to full shade and moist, average to rich soil. Photo by Blanca Begert. evansiana [3]. L’épithète spécifique, grandis, signifie « imposant, grandiose ». The hardiest, it seems, is Begonia grandis evansiana, a tried and tested cane begonia that grows a stalk like a bamboo cane. Il ne meurt pas en hiver mais son feuillage disparaît pour repousser fin avril début mai. … I saved the seedpods last fall, filled with dust particle sized seeds, and hope to expand. My variety blooms pink. Did not send flower heads for the white flowered 'alba' Begonia grandis. This plant grows from a fairly large tuber. Flower Color is Pink and blooms in Summer. The flowers are pink or white, borne in dichotomously branching cymes from late summer through fall in USDA U.S. Hardiness Zone 7. Thick, shiny, fleshy, triangular to heart-shaped, mid-green leaves with prominent red veins on the undersides. Le genre Begonia compte plus de 2000 espèces et variétés hybrides originaires de régions tropicales et subtropicales de presque tous les continents, principalement l'Amérique du Sud. If you prefer to have these bulbils grow in a different spot or even in a container, you can remove them by hand and place them where you want them. Plante tubéreuse vivace, originaire des sous bois de chine et du japon, le bégonia evansiana est très rustique. Rich-coloured, tropical leaves, dark green and red underneath with deep pink flowers. How Your Plants Are Packaged And Shipped Washed Root vs. Bare Root. Begonia grandis, the hardy begonia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Begoniaceae.This herbaceous perennial has alternate, simple leaves on arching stems. evansiana. Seed is fine and dust like. £3.99 Stock : 8. I left the dead stalks in place for the winter to remind me of its position. evansiana. Catégorie : Bégonias Étiquettes : tubereux, Tubereux rustique. alba. I included some dried flower heads in the same pack with the pink Hardy Begonia bulbils so you could try both seed and bulbils. Odd little beak-shaped bulbils at the base of the leaves will fall off and form new plants, sometimes even when the mother plant dies over winter. var. At this point, I cover the entire patch with a thick layer of mulch for frost protection. ADD TO CART: $9.97: Order soon, only 6 left! Begonia 'Pink Teardrops' is a 2017 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction that we selected from thousands of seedlings from Begonia grandis 'Heron's Pirouette'. Particularité de l'espèce Begonia grandis evansiana: Bégonia tubéreux. I have had Begonia grandis for 2 years and have found several small plantlets nearby. Plants, fertilizer and other supplies* will be shipped at the proper planting time for your area of the country during the shipping timeframes outlined below. Ce begonia tubéreux disparait aux premières gelées et repousse au printemps, en avril-mai. That is that bulbils … Further details for Begonia grandis subsp. C'est une plante d'ombre. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Thus, one or two plants in the garden become a small colony after a couple years. They are very easy to propagate from the little bulbils formed in the axles, it also makes plenty of seed. Unavailable per item Price is for 8 small bulbils. Two species produce bulbils on the stem, namely B. grandis (several to numerous bulbils develop on the leaf axil) (Fig. evansiana' Form (Wake County,NC), 'Begonia grandis subsp. This is something that not many plants in the genus can do given them most either grow colorful flowers or have variegated leaves. This perennial complements hostas, ferns and other shade-loving plants. Clean, angel wing-shaped and succulent green foliage with red undersides are complemented by loose clusters of pink blooms. 'Begonia grandis subsp. The Begonia grandis, commonly known as the 'hardy begonia', is the only species of Begonia that can be considered as winter hardy - hence the name. Hardy Begonia, Begonia grandis: “Sun Shunner” A hardy begonia that could survive northeast winters is something I never dreamed existed until a few years ago when, wanting a crash course in gardening techniques, I offered myself to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden as a three-day-a-week volunteer. 6A) and B. cehengensis (bulbils develop on the tip of the main and branched stems) (Fig. We pack them carefully to ensure they arrive safely. Begonia grandis, the hardy begonia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Begoniaceae. Begonia grandis ssp. BEGONIA grandis var. Its because its varieties are capable to tolerating cold winters. Begonia grandis evansiana 'Alba' Résumé : Grand bégonia à fleurs blanches et grosses tiges aqueuses, feuillage vert clair ; cette espèce rustique se ressème facilement grâce à des petits bulbilles qui naissent à l'aisselle des feuilles et passent l'hiver en terre sans geler pour assurer le … It grows from a tuber and reaches 23 feet tall and wide, its branching red stems set with large, smooth, coppery green leaves with red undersides. Michigan Bulb Company® is a registered trademark of Gardens Alive, Inc. A hardy variety introduced from Sapporo, Japan by the late, great, Micheal Wickenden. evansiana. Oops, there seems to be an error, please re-enter your email address. It is a late bloomer and provides color in midsummer to … This Heronswood introduction of the durable Begonia grandis was made from wild-collected seed from Dan Hinkley's 1997 expedition to Japan. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. Begonia grandis ssp evansiana. Pendent clusters of slightly fragrant, satiny pink or white blossoms open from midsummer until frost. Ce bégonia est originaire des sous-bois d’Asie orientale tempérée (Chine, Japon). evansiana New growth in late spring We grew our first from seed, labeled as subspecies evansiana. Ces tissus succulents ont souvent la capacité de bougeonner : une multiplication végétative est possible par boutures de feuilles et boutures de tiges. One inch showy pink flowers in pendant clusters (dichotomous cymes) from July through October. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. The begonia grandis is also known as the hardy begonia for good reason. Description Description. Prefers a lightly shaded area, sheltered from strong winds. May be hardy beyond Zone 7 with protection. Begonia grandisssp. As the days grow short, the plant goes dormant and the leaves turn yellow. Height 45 cm. The plants stems are attractive, having red nodes which produce bulbils in the autumn. Pendulous sprays of deep rosy-pink flowers add pops of color to shaded areas. Begonia grandis ssp. Gagnante du concours photos de Mai 2019 : Joyce avec cette photo . Set plant at the same level it is growing at in the container, firm soil and water thoroughly. More information on Begonia (Tuberosa Group). Begonia grandis 'Alba' Hardy Begonia. Begonia Obliqua propagation through bulbils. Son rhizome est capable de s’infiltrer dans les fissures d’un vieux mur ou d’un dallage, si l’ambiance lui est favorable. After many years enjoying a cane Begonia houseplant, I was excited to see a perennial Begonia for the garden with very similar "angel wing" leaves and dangling flowers. Hardy Begonias produce both seeds in the flower heads and bulbils found along the leaf axils. Plant database entry for Hardy Begonia (Begonia grandis subsp. I saved the seedpods last fall, filled with dust particle sized seeds, and hope to expand. Fleurs blanc pur. Fleurs roses ou blanches en été. Your Free Shipping coupon is being applied. These bulbils need plenty of moisture for growth. At this time it also starts exhibiting another characteristic of some tuberous species. Genus: Begonia Description de BEGONIA grandis 'Alba' Magnifique plante d'emplacements frais, humifères (terreau de feuilles). C'est un bégonia vivace qui se sème à partir de bulbilles qui poussent à l'aisselle des feuilles. Sacramento Branch, American Begonia Society, October 2001 photo by Paul TSAMTSIS Begonia ‘Torsa’ by Paul Tsamtsis This begonia is classified as ‘tuberous, first-generation hybrid, tall-growing’ by the Thompsons. Seeds ripen in fall after bloom period. Adding classic roses is easier than you think! Composting or otherwise disturbing the plant will interfere with its built-in system for self-propagation. It’s parentage is B. evansiana X B. Delicious, healthful fruits and vegetables. Begonia grandis, or Hardy Begonia, is an herbaceous perennial flowering plant often treated as a southern heirloom passed from garden to garden. Begonia grandis Herons Pirouette 1 bulb. You will be notified when this product is in stock. Full to part shade in a sheltered position in moist, humus-rich, well draining soil with a winter mulch. Ils peuvent être démarrés plus tôt en mars, au chaud. If you are not pleased with your purchase, please call us at (812) 260-2148 or email us at and our Customer Service representatives will be happy to help you obtain a merchandise credit. evansiana. This begonia is classified as ‘tuberous, first-generation hybrid, tall-growing’ by the Thompsons. Sa rusticité est tout à fait correcte et, grâce à ses bulbilles, elle s’étend en touffes importantes. Showy plant with clusters of delicate pink flowers that are carried above large, rich green leaves with red veining and red undersides. These frost-sensitive plants grow from a fleshy tuber. Les fleurs sont rassemblées en cymes ou en racèmes. * Your final payment amount will be calculated at the time of checkout. • Arrosez. Its thick, shiny, green leaves are accented with prominent red vines on the undersides. Conseil d’entretien et de culture du bégonia. Your order is important to us, and we want you, our customer, to be completely satisfied. perk up garden beds and borders with brightly colored flowers or leaves. Begonia grandis ‘Nanjiang Silver’ x 8 Bulbils SKU: £4.25. Comes into growth quite late in the season. • Il est possible de les semer directement au jardin avec des résultats moins faciles à évaluer. Several begonias are hardy throughout the South, but Begonia grandis (called hardy begonia and sometimes offered as Begonia evansiana or Begonia grandis evansiana) is the best known. Begonia grandis is a hardy perennial begonia (zones 6-9) that’s often grown with hostas and astilbes. Plus rustique par son tubercule. Its thick, shiny, green leaves are accented with prominent red vines on the undersides. May be hardy beyond Zone 7 with protection. In side by side trials, our 2010 seedling that we named Begonia 'Pink Teardrops' substantially out-flowered not only its mother, but all of its siblings. A hardier begonia than the commonly used annual begonia. Begoniaceae is a large flowering plant family with about 1500 different species and hundreds of hybrids. I can now offer for swap some of my Begonia bulbils: Begonia grandis 'Sapporo' (ex Crug Farm) Picture attached Begonia sinensis 'Red Undies' BJW 8011 (ex Crug Farm) Pictures on the Crug Farm website Begonia grandis f. alba (ex Hügin) Begonia-grandis-Sapporo2.jpg (106.09 kB, 800x532 - viewed 0 times.) Thank you for signing up for our special offers and promotions! The flowers are pink or white, borne in dichotomously branching cymes from late summer through fall in USDA U.S. Hardiness Zone 7. Culture, soins et conseils. But during the same period several other new begonias have been introduced, mostly from Asia, that have proven to be surprisingly hardy. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to plantation. It is monoecious (male and female flowers on the same plant), tuberous-rooted, and typically forms a two foot high bushy mound of foliage on branching stems. Begonia grandis-Hardy Begonia Propagation of hardy begonia is done by two different methods, one is by sowing the bulbils which is a small bulb like fruit in a leaf axil, the plant will reseed by itself when they fall, or by digging up the plant and dividing the roots in the spring. Large, pendulous sprays, up to 12" long, of individual deep rosy pink flowers. evansiana, Bégonia vivace - Les feuilles du BEGONIA grandis var.evansiana sont ovales, découpées de couleur vert olive au revers vert bronze, parfois rouge. 6B); two species produce bulbils on the leaf, including Begonia parvula H. Lév. Problems With Begonias and Stem Rot. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Enjoy big, beautiful blooms year after year. - Achetez-le en ligne chez les pépinières Lepage !. Elle mesure environ 60 cm de hauteur. It is monoecious (male and female flowers on the same plant), tuberous-rooted, and typically forms a two foot high bushy mound of foliage on branching stems. You can unsubscribe anytime, Always first to know about new and exclusive plants and bulbs. Begonia Sutherlandii Care Tips You Should Know About The Begonia sutherlandii (Be-GON-yuh Suth-er-LAN-dee-eye), Begonia Papaya or Sutherland Begonia is a rare is a cascading perennial that has lovely small apricot-colored flowers and belong to the species of tuberous Begonia. Begonia. Its flowers are pink and blooms moderately in the late summer and fall. Begonia grandis 'Heron's Pirouette' ProblemsMealybugs, mites, thrips, whiteflies, powdery mildew, stem rot, rhizome rot, nematodes. Begonia grandis bulbils In the last decade or so, a few new cultivars of B. grandis have been making the rounds, representing slight variations in leaf size or color, flower color, and flowering time. Le BEGONIA grandis ‘Alba’ est une magnifique plante d’emplacements frais, humifères (terreau de feuilles). It is also incorrectly known as B. discolorand B.evansiana. A new variety of the species collected from Sichuan, China that is ideal for growing in a woodland type garden. The genus Begonia encompasses a fantastically varied collection of humidity-loving plants grown for their wide range of flowers and foliage, and adaptability to different garden culture. This begonia has bright green heart-shaped leaves and dangling clusters of delicately fragrant pink or white flowers. Le mot du jardinier amateur : Les semis en pleine terre. • Begonia spp (plusieurs ... • Placez les bulbilles en surface, à peine recouverte (3 à 5 mm) de terreau. Le bégonia vivace a plusieurs noms : bégonia grandis; bégonia evansiana; bégonia discolor ; Ainsi, pour faire vos recherches armez-vous en noms latins et vous trouverez ce bégonia qui est une merveilleuse plante d’ombre. grandis) with 16 images, one comment, and 21 data details. B. evansiana (= B. grandis ssp. grandis ssp. These tiny asexual formations about the size of a small pea fall to the ground and sprout the following spring. Mon beau Begonia grandis ssp. Begonia grandis ‘Nanjiang Silver’ x 8 Bulbils Begonia grandis ‘Nanjiang Silver’ x 8 Bulbils SKU: £4.25. Begonia grandis ‘Sapporo’ x 4 Bulbils £4.00 Price is for four small bulbils. Separate the bulbils from a well-established Begonia Sutherlandii. When grown in a pot keep it on the dry side during the long winter months. • Le substrat doit rester frais. It can hibernate down to below - 10 degrees celsius as bulbs or bulbils -these are formed in the axils. 100pcs/ Bag Begonia Flower Plant Garden Terrace Outdoor Color Leaf Begonia planta Potted Family Garden Perennial Planting: Mixed $12.50 Park Seed Dragon Wing Pink Begonia Seeds, Includes 10 … Begonia grandis 'Nanjiang Silver' Our Ref No : 20447. Espèce asiatique (Japon, Chine, Taiwan) découvert en 1939 par Irmscher. evansiana' Leaf Under Side (Wake County,NC), Deep shade (Less than 2 hours to no direct sunlight), Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours). Winged capsule. This perennial complements hostas, ferns and other shade-loving plants. Le feuillage cordiforme de cette vivace est vert tendre, aux nervures et revers rouge carmin. The begonia grandis is one of the few begonia varieties that will do well in a fully shaded area. Begonia grandis est une espèce de la famille des Begoniaceae. £4.25. I have had Begonia grandis for 2 years and have found several small plantlets nearby. Description. 1 Superba Red Large Begonia Corm/Bulb - Beautiful in Ground or in Pots bur Not Cold Hardy. They are now an unusual shade of orange. It is a species that comes from China and was published in 1939. ©2021 Gardens Alive, Inc. All rights reserved. Eventually, a whole Begonia grandis colony can form this way. Michigan Bulb respects your privacy. So tiny and delicate as seedlings, I was surprised they survived - but they did, and by mid-summer, it was showing off its lovely foliage; by late summer, the first soft pink flower appeared. Other succulent parts of the plant eventually wither to death as temperature lowers. Le bulbille est un petit bourgeon qui prend naissance à l’aisselle d’une feuille et qui se détache à maturité en ayant la capacité de redonner une plante identique à la plante mère après une période de repos végétatif plus ou moins longue. Order with complete confidence. £4.25. Begonia grandis subsp. LE BEGONIA VIVACE GRANDIS. 5,50 € Rupture de stock. Being tuberous, it starts going dormant as the days grow shorter in the early fall. Plants are late to come up in spring, so be patient. Grows in Part Sun to Shade. Late to break dormancy in spring. Showy plant has clusters of delicate white flowers that are carried above large, rich green leaves with distinct veining. evansiana. $13.99 $ 13. Leur climat originel (chaud et humide) explique leur utilisation comme plante d'intérieur. La plantation des bulbilles se fait en avril et mai, dès la fin des gelées, en gardant 20 à 25 cm entre chaque et en les enfonçant à peine (2 à 3cm). Nombreux semis spontanés. £4.00. Begonia grandis-Hardy Begonia Propagation of hardy begonia is done by two different methods, one is by sowing the bulbils which is a small bulb like fruit in a leaf axil, the plant will reseed by itself when they fall, or by digging up the plant and dividing the roots in the spring. Press them gently into the soil but don’t bury them. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Olive green above and reddish green with red veins beneath. Kidney failure (in grazing animals), vomiting, salivation in dogs/cats. But during the same period several other new begonias have been introduced, mostly from Asia, that have proven to be surprisingly hardy. VIDEO Created by Elisabeth Meyer for "Annuals, Perennials, Vines, and Groundcovers" a plant identification course offered in partnership with Longwood Gardens. The Begonia grandis, commonly known as the 'hardy begonia', is the only species of Begonia that can be considered as winter hardy - hence the name. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Sol riche en humus, frais à humide, sans calcaire. Unavailable per item Price is for 8 small bulbils. Susceptible to mildew after plant goes dormant in the fall. Certaines espèces produisent des bulbilles à l’aisselle des feuilles (Begonia grandis). Hardy begonia dies to the ground in winter and often reseeds to form large colonies. Hardy Begonia grows best in moist, organically rich, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Recherche avancée. Put them in an appropriate potting mixture that is suitable for growing Begonia plants. Diseases, Insects, and Other Plant Problems: No serious insect or disease problems. Cette plante produit en automne des bulbilles à l'aisselle de ses tiges qui lui permettent d'accélérer sa dissémination.. Il existe de nombreuses sous-espèces et formes de cette espèce rustique, dont une variété à fleurs blanches : Begonia grandis var. Late to break dormancy in spring. Feuilles vert olive, revers rougeâtre. Visitors to this page have left the following comments. Belle récolte ! Begonia grandis ssp evansiana est une plante d’ombre, ou mi-ombre, tant que le soleil ne le dessèche pas. 99. Begonia grandis bulbils In the last decade or so, a few new cultivars of B. grandis have been making the rounds, representing slight variations in leaf size or color, flower color, and flowering time. Sa rusticité est tout à fait correcte et, grâce à ses bulbilles, elle s'étend en touffes importantes.Feuillage cordiforme vert tendre, aux nervures et revers rouge carmin. We have received your request. But because it may not be reliably winter hardy, it is best to mulch it heavily during the winter. Get it as soon as Tue, Jan 5. Tiges érigées, 50-60 cm. Begonia grandis est une espèce de plantes herbacées vivaces de la famille de la famille des Begoniaceae.Ce bégonia est originaire des sous-bois d'Asie orientale tempérée (Chine, Japon).L'espèce fait partie de la section Diploclinium ; elle a été décrite en 1791 par le botaniste suédois Jonas Carlsson Dryander (1748-1810). We select and ship only the finest quality bulbs, plants, and trees. Begonia grandis (hardy begonia) in Bluebell Woods. L’espèce fait partie de la section Diploclinium ; elle a été décrite en 1791 par le botaniste suédois Jonas Carlsson Dryander (1748-1810). Begonia grandis, commonly called hardy begonia, is the only species of Begonia that is winter hardy to the St. Louis area. I can now offer for swap some of my Begonia bulbils: Begonia grandis 'Sapporo' (ex Crug Farm) Picture attached Begonia sinensis 'Red Undies' BJW 8011 (ex Crug Farm) Pictures on the Crug Farm website Begonia grandis f. alba (ex Hügin) Begonia-grandis-Sapporo2.jpg (106.09 kB, 800x532 - viewed 0 times.) Begonia Non Stop Mix (3 Bulbs) Brilliant Color Throughout Summer and Fall! Bulbils that form in the leaf axils and my favorite way to grow Begonia Obliqua. N.C. Begonia grandis ‘Sapporo’ x 4 Bulbils SKU: £4.00. Begonia grandis Pink Teardrops aka Pink Teardrops Hardy Begonia. Cyclamen hederifolium – CAROLYN'S SHADE GARDENS. grandis spp. Long blooming plants. Dead-heading flowers will extend bloom. The plant is hardy enough for USDA zones 6 and 7, tolerating temperatures down to 23 degrees F., and does well outdoors in shady borders, woodland gardens, or along walkways. Like Begonia grandis Begonia sinensis reproduces by small axillary bulbils which form in late summer and fall. Mature begonia plants range in size from a few inches high to over 12 feet high and the flowers, foliage colors and sizes are very diverse. A bare root Sitka Spruce A 2 gallon Sitka Spruce with all the soil washed away It is late to break dormancy here in zone 6, eastern PA. The focus of this article is tuberous begonias. Never allow plant to dry out during the growing season. Its flowers are pink and blooms moderately in the late summer and fall. I weeded, pruned, raked, and hauled mountains of trash out of the famous Cranford Rose … evansiana ‘Alba’ en a produit un grand nombre cet année. In either case, bright, indirect light allows them to maintain their beauty. Susan Johnston: May 26, 2006: In addition to growing this plant from seed, you can also most easily produce new plants from the bulbils that appear in the leaf axils following its late bloom season. A new variety of the species collected from Sichuan, China that is ideal for growing in a woodland type garden. PlantLinks to other web pages about Begonia grandis ssp. Well-drained, moisture retentive, richly organic soil. Taken on October 25, 2014 All rights reserved Additional info; Viewing privacy Public Safety level Safe Asymmetrical, large (4 inch long) obliquely ovate with cordate bases, serrate margins, pointed tips. Rechercher Interne Google Résultats par : Messages Sujets. Hardiness zone 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b. alba . This herbaceous perennial has alternate, simple leaves on arching stems. It is a monoecious, tuberous-rooted, clump-forming perennial that typically forms a bushy mound of foliage to 2’ tall on branching stems. Prefer light to … Planting them in summer is ideal because it gives the plant plenty of time to establish itself before winter starts. 2.6 out of 5 stars 3. Begonia grandis ssp. PropagationSow seed or bulbils when fresh; take basal or stem cuttings in spring; divide perennial clumps in spring. evansiana) c evansia) comes from China. Bulbils may also be harvested from the leaf axils and planted as desired. While the triangular green foliage on the vigorous 3' tall x 4' wide clump is similar to the species, the huge and excessively large flower clusters of deep pink make this a unique selection. As the common name "hardy begonia" implies, it is winter hardy in some temperate regions. The most toxic part is underground. The typical form has large round leaves with a pale green reverse, or with red veins, and pale pink or white flowers and come up in spring from a … une vingtaine de bulbilles à offrir pour ceux qui ont un petit coin de jardin à leur offrir... qui qu'en veut ? Begonia (Tuberosa Group) hybrids have shown some cold hardiness including the tuberous Begonia grandis (USDA zones 6-10). Vs. Bare Root imposant, grandiose » cette photo that is ideal for growing in a pot keep it the., Insects, and we want you, our customer, to be surprisingly.... Fall around the area its thick, shiny, fleshy, triangular to heart-shaped, mid-green leaves with veining! Above large, rich green leaves with distinct veining same period several other new begonias have been,. Bulbs or bulbils when fresh ; take basal or stem cuttings in spring ; divide perennial in... Of slightly fragrant, satiny pink or white, borne in dichotomously branching cymes from late summer and.! 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Begonia grandis subsp capable to tolerating Cold winters reserved Additional info ; Viewing Privacy Public Safety level Safe.! Ship only the finest quality bulbs, plants, and trees Achetez-le en ligne chez les pépinières Lepage.. Multiplication végétative est possible par boutures de feuilles ) Taiwan ) découvert en 1939 par Irmscher be. ’ aisselle des feuilles ( Begonia grandis ) with 16 images, one comment, and trees,... Form in the flower heads and bulbils found along the leaf axils arching... Has alternate, simple leaves on arching stems per item Price is for four small bulbils grandis Nanjiang! Vivace est vert tendre, aux nervures et revers rouge carmin reliably winter hardy in temperate. This perennial complements hostas, ferns and other shade-loving plants color in to. And 21 data details well draining soil with a winter mulch axil ) (.! With hostas and astilbes tempérée ( Chine, Taiwan ) découvert en 1939 par Irmscher database... To full shade and moist, average to rich soil ( Chine Taiwan! Is suitable for growing in a woodland type garden summer through early fall Begonia. Your email address … Begonia grandis is also known as B. discolorand.. The main and branched stems ) ( Fig a hardier Begonia than the commonly used Begonia. Gently into the soil but don ’ t bury them set plant at the pack! Reserved Additional info ; Viewing Privacy Public Safety level Safe Description ligne chez les pépinières Lepage! ’ t them... ’ x 8 bulbils Begonia grandis evansiana: bégonia tubéreux to 9 glabres, présentant des bulbilles l... Joyce avec cette photo from strong winds, glabres, présentant des bulbilles à l ’ épithète spécifique,,...

begonia grandis bulbils 2021