Always use sharp and clean pruning shears. Pruning Pothos Plants. The difference would be mostly in appearance, with pothos having larger, waxy leaves. Prune if your philodendron is taking up too much space. Using clean scissors or your hands, snip it off at a node (the point where leaves meet the stem). Pothos or scindapsus is a plant native to the tropics with very ornamental leafage.. Key Pothos facts. Soil – indoor plant soil mix. To get that bushy look, pothos plants require a pruning routine. A big and bushy pothos plant is rarely a single plant. Take pruning shears and snip off the stems growing outwards and downwards. This will leave you with a more compact parent plant. Simply yank at the leaf until it rips off from the stem. Prune away unhealthy sections of your dying pothos plant. The stems of philodendrons will continue to grow, and soon you may find that your plant is too big for the area where you are keeping it. You can remove all the long runners. Prune and Pinch. If you don’t prune them, the stems will keep trailing and looking thinner and thinner. It will promote new growth. Vines tend to get scraggly as they grow, so don’t hesitate to cut any that aren’t looking their best. How to Propagate a Pothos Plant: If you've got an overgrown pothos plant or are looking for an easy way to get more plants, propagation via cuttings if the best way to go! You can prune your pothos back quite a bit. It’s easy! You can’t beat the way pothos comes from a nursery – tight, compact, and bushy! More often, it’s a construction project involving potentially hundreds of pothos cuttings planted compactly in a single container to give the appearance of a bushy plant. Secret Tips to Grow Lush Pothos Plant 1. Foliage – evergreen Flowering – rare as en indoor plant. Use sharp scissors or small pruning shears, cleanly cutting away the damaged stems and leaves. Remove long sections of bare vines and segments containing dead or shriveled leaves. Source: Pruning pothos is important for maintaining the overall aesthetic of your plant. A great way to start learning to care for houseplants, a Pothos plant is a durable specimen of the Epipremnum genus. How To Prune Pothos. To rejuvenate the growth of pothos plants, do some light pruning and pinching regularly. And a bunch of long vine cuttings. The varieties of philodendron that are vining and have heart-shaped leaves look similar to pothos. You can also use clippers to shorten any overgrown vines that you want to tame. Make sure … Height – 6 ½ feet (2 meters) Exposure – light but not direct sunlight. If you see any dead leaves or leaves that look unattractive, go ahead and prune them off. The more leaves you have, the more you have to prune and the more you prune, the bushier the leaves grow back. Pothos plants are also called devil's ivy, golden pothos, hunter's robe, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy and taro vine, or incorrectly called a Philodendron. Houseplants are just about the easiest plants to prune. In this case, you can trim the plant to keep it from growing any larger without any harm to the plant. Pothos is sometimes mislabeled as Philodendron in plant stores. For a hard prune like this, cut them back all the way to just below the top of the pot. From there, a fresh new vine will start. In this instructable I'll show you how to trim your pothos plant, take cuttings, root the cuttings in water, a… Do this all the way around. Name – Pothos or Scindapsus Family – Araceae Type – indoor plant.