The NAR, however, is often accused of pushing for outright theocracy.Spiritual warfare, according to the New Apostolic Reformation, is meant to resolve worldly concerns. The Latter Rain, also known as the New Order or New Order of the Latter Rain, was a post–World War II movement within Pentecostal Christianity which remains controversial. These movements contend that “real” spirituality or maturity or truth is found only by those who listen to their leadership. (13). " We can sum up the Latter Rain or Dominion teaching this way: the Church must be restored and equipped to rule by the five-fold ministries. Mary’s life symbolized the qualities the church must possess to walk in the fullness of Christ. – Pasadena CA: Min. Paul Cain, a survivor of the Latter Rain (1950) is currently marketing a vision of an elite company of overcoming spiritual warriors called “Joel’s army”. Latter Rain (1880s movement) The Latter Rain Movement was a late 19th-century radical Holiness theology and Revivalist phenomenon which began in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. The "first definitive Pentecostal theology that was widely distributed, the Latter Rain Covenant" appeared in 1910. According to his view, summarized from the statements made by a number of its exponents, “the church isn’t going sit and take it any more. SO4J-TV SHOW – 1 HOUR, IS IT REAL? Mike Bickle – Founder of International House of Prayer (IHOP), Mike and Cindy Jacobs – Founders of Generals International, Bill Johnson – Head Pastor of Bethel Church / Jesus Culture, Rick Joyner – Founder of Morning Star Ministries, C. Peter Wagner – Founder of Global Harvest Ministries, Greater Works Than These – (Healing’s & Miracles, etc). The particular type of restoration teachings I am interested in dealing with in this article are those gaining popularity within the charismatic movement today. [9] David Wesley Myland (1858-1943) was one of the early Pentecostal leaders. The phrase "latter rain" is taken from Joel 2:23 & 28 and sometimes James 5:7 as a label describing an end-time revival and evangelistic harvest expected by many charismatics and some Pentecostals. It will be conquered when the church stands up boldly and says, “We have dominion over the earth”. Blomgren's definition includes two major restoration aspects, the first applies to the corporate church and the second to the individual believer. Church history was understood as a succession of recoveries of lost or neglected truths. The Latter Rain movement was a radically independent Pentecostal movement, originating from an outbreak of revivalism in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1948. Likewise, the Word of God must be made flesh in the Church in order for us to bear witness to the Kingdom which God has called us to demonstrate.” (8), “We are on earth as extensions of God to finish the work He began. Why do we suggest their APOSTLESHIP is a SHAM? (Alan Cairns). Wagner outlines his article with sections such as “new name”, “new authority structure”, “new ministry focus”, “new worship style”, “new prayer forms” etc. So it is with what is currently called the “River of Revival”. Various aspects of the current doctrine can be found as far back as the early 1800s. As the 1800s progressed, there arose within Methodism a call to return to the holiness teachings of John Wesley who saw that "moral growth, or sanctification, is both progressive and instantaneous. NEW! VIDEO: FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word Of Faith / Prosperity Gospel – Justin Peters / SO4J-TV, Video: Wretched: RUN from the N.A.R. The Latter Rain blesses each one of us with times of refreshing. (Deuteronomy 11:10-21 and James 5:7-8). 13 – Tricia Tillin, The Source and Goal of the Second Pentecost (UK: Banner Ministries, 1994), QUOTE: “BEWARE of those whose FAITH is based on their own: IDEAS, FEELINGS, and what THEY THINK is right– RATHER than on what GOD’S WORD says!” TRUST in JESUS & in GOD’S unfailing WORD!” [Matthew 7:24-27], BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS & FALSE TEACHERS – SCRIPTURES, Below are some of the Many Articles by CRITICAL ISSUES COMMENTARIES about the Latter Rain / New Apostolic Reformation movement. This teaching became known as the “Manifest Sons of God”. We shall henceforth refer to the genuine article as the Latter Rain Revival. The Latter Rain movement came in the context of a general rise of what was to become the Charismatic Movement of the 1960’s. Bishop Earl Paulk has stated the Manifest Sons teaching very clearly without ever using that unpopular term. He tells us in a book he has edited called “The New Apostolic Churches” of the struggle he had with naming his new reformation. (pp. This corporate Christ is said to be a fusing together of the spiritual Christ within His many membered body upon the earth. The Latter Rain broug… The last two-hundred years have seen a number of Restorationist movements attempting to restore primitive Christianity. The latter rain movement as it has come to be called actually began in 1948 from a Pentecostal Assemblies of God revival in a ministry school in Saskatchewan Canada. When completed this restoration would usher in the millennium. Obviously an indwelling spirit would not need to return from heaven. Yet, many are not even aware that such an influence exists within modern Christianity. G. Raymond Carlson from his vantage point of history knew that all this has its source in a second end-time Pentecost, first articulated at the turn of the century and restated and expanded in the New Order of the Latter Rain 1950 and now imported and marketed into the wider church by means of the Charismatic renewal. As a result, the NAR overtly encourages Christian control over politics, culture, and business. Provided people think logically, the underlying core paradigm will eventually play out according to the original vision much like the rules of chess determine what is a valid move and what is not. This Latter Rain allegory was pieced together from scripture references of the early and latter rains of the growing season. Death will not be conquered by Jesus returning to earth. (p. 6) Restoration will take place in five areas: truth, ministries, spiritual life of believers, worship, and paths to dwell in. Heretofore we have only had one or two mighty servants of God on the face of the earth at a time. What is the Latter Rain teaching? When Christ first entered our world as a child, it was Mary whom God chose to give Christ birth. G. Raymond Carlson was right. Endorsed by SO4J-TV’s Pastors John MacArthur, Phil Johnson; and Mike Gendron, and many more, and Filmed at: Grace Community Church, CA in the Family Center. The latter rain teaching was also found within holiness teachings. Adv, Vol 6, No 4, July/Aug 963 – G. Raymond Carlson, personal letter to Jewel Van de Mewre. Joseph Smith (1805-44), the founder of Mormonism, believed that he was restoring the faith of early Christianity. Twelve is apostolic government. C.Peter Wagner and the Vineyard Movement, Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner are a big part of the Third Wave. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Spirit baptism was an end time repeat of the first Pentecost. It is one thing to be clothed with power, it is another to be indwelt with the Person of God.” (12), Old Testament scriptures are spiritualized to see this birthing as the return of the ark to the temple, that is the coming of Christ invisibly into His living temple the church.