The germ-line theory was a proposed explanation for immunoglobulin diversity that proposed that each antibody was encoded in a separate germline gene.. [out of print, excerpt from the book, published in 1912]. The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases.It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or "germs" can lead to disease. The Germ Theory of Disease, simply suggests that germs or pathogens cause disease when they enter the body. PLAY. Germ theory does not acknowledge how powerful your diet can be for preventing and treating diseases (especially chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, etc.) Thanks to Louis Pasteur, a cornerstone of our modern medicine has been based on the notion of 'killing germs'. I have all the videos downloaded, so if anything disappears, let me know. 2 hours each. So if the germ theory is really true, which according to many claims that one of the main proponents, Louis Pasteur, itself later on admitted that it isn’t (“The microbe is nothing. The Germ Theory of Disease Causation "Even if all the experts agree, they may well be mistaken." More on the cell theory will be presented in additional concepts. This paradigm, developed by Louis Pasteur and other scientists, states that all microorganisms only have one possible form and do not have the ability to evolve into different types of organisms. The Germ Theory. Contrariwise, specific germs said to cause a specific disease are present in huge proportions without the specific disease manifesting itself.” In order to get well, you need to identify and then kill whatever… Disease arises from germs sometimes within and sometimes without [outside] the cells of the body Microbes are generally to be guarded against These intracellular micro-organisms normally 5 Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation. The terrain is everything.” This is what Pasteur said while lying on his deathbed), we would be sick all the time because germs and viruses are omnipresent. Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory Germ Theory states that many diseases are caused by the presence and actions of specific microorganisms within the body. ).According to his theory, germ plasm, which is independent from all other cells of the body (somatoplasm), is the essential element of germ cells (eggs and sperm) and is the hereditary material that is passed from generation to generation. The theory was developed and gained gradual acceptance in Europe and the United States from the middle 1800s. Discovery Germ theory was proven by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Discovery: Germ theory was proven by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Derrick Broze sits down with Dr. Andrew Kaufman to discuss his beliefs on terrain theory vs germ theory, exosomes, and what this means in relation to COVID-19. STUDY. “The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. Anton Van Leewenhoek-1674-improved and perfected microscope-1st to observe living cells. In her article ‘Pasteur vs Béchamp: The Germ Theory Debate ’ (February 06, 2018) Kate Raines offers an excellent examination of both competing theories and should be read widely to better inform as to why our governments may need to review public health policies. Pleomorphism and germ theory The accepted biological paradigm today, which has led to the development of the pleomorphism and germ theory, is Monomorphism (Gr. Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory: Germ Theory states that many diseases are caused by the presence and actions of specific microorganisms within the body. Germ Theory Definition. One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemicals over nutrition."--Dr. 8 Young RO. 6 Ibid. Regarding the cell as the basic unit of life, the theory argues that diseases are always caused due to germs on the outside, that enter the body. It eventually superseded existing miasma and contagion theories of disease and in so doing radically changed the practice of medicine. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infectious and contagious disorders are caused by germs.” Dr M Beddow Bayly … If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what is herein written, for germs are ubiquitous – they exist everywhere. 7 See Footnote 4. Germ Theory Terrain Theory Germ Terrain Duality Theory Disease arises from germs outside the body. Once again, no evidence has been identified that proves this theory is incorrect. In many diseases supposedly caused by a specific germ, that germ is not present. mónos: single + morphē: form). Now one of the problems, when people start trying to argue about the germ vs cellular theory, is that you need to be able to step back and look at life and organisms from another perspective entirely. This does not occur in most species (including humans), but may occur in Elasmobranchs.. For decades microbiologists searched for a mechanism that could explain the large diversity of antibody structure. When you get involved in an argument and are unable to do this, you get stuck in various ruts and can’t move forward. Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California have experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have been unable to produce a single disease by the introduction of germs into human subjects. Germ theory definition is - a theory in medicine: infections, contagious diseases, and various other conditions result from the action of microorganisms. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause disease. Watch on Bitchute / … Guest Post by Dr Mariah Mosley, Image by Sascha Fritz from Pixabay We have all heard a lot lately about asymptomatic (symptom-free) carriers of Dr. Lauren Deville is a Naturopathic Doctor in Tucson, AZ (Nature Cure Family Health) "Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp, M.D., (October 16, 1816 - April 15, 1908) one of the world's foremost bacteriologists and Pasteur's contemporary, made great scientific discoveries and some of the greatest minds of his day accepted his theories and findings as definite established facts. But current science is telling us that struggling against germs is not an accurate portrayal of what it means to be healthy. Source: "Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet--germs! The germ theory of disease states that certain diseases are caused by specific germs or infectious agents. Some drugs are needed for infectious diseases, which is a completely different category. It isn't a good sign that he was a fraudster and plagiarist of Bechamp who came up with the correct Pleomorphism/Cellular disease theory, seen side by side here: GERM THEORY (Pasteur) vs CELLULAR THEORY (Bechamp). This is what happened to us. Until the acceptance of the germ theory, many people believed that disease was punishment for a … Share. Description. Cell Theory is one of the basic principles of biology.Credit for the formulation of this theory is given to German scientists Theodor Schwann (1810–1822), Matthias Schleiden (1804–1881), and Rudolph Virchow (1821–1902). This theory is the currently accepted scientific theory about how diseases spread from one living organism to the other. She talks about germ theory vs terrain theory, how toxins cause illness, Wuhan China toxicity issues, 5G, Cannabis, Cancer, and much more. Germ Theory. This theory says that there are fixed, external germs (or microbes) which invade the body and cause a variety of separate, definable diseases. Terrain Theory states that the internal environment which is known as ‘terrain’ is responsible for our state of health. 3 Olien, D. Pasteur Versus Béchamp: The History of Germ Theory. --Bertrand Russell " Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet--germs! Update: 2020-08-11. In the 1800s, this idea was not widely accepted, and it took a series of experiments and hard work for Pasteur to prove that air contains infinitely small living organisms, and that these organisms are responsible for diseases. SuperLife July 22, 2016. In short, germ theory focuses on infectious agents—bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites—and assumes that if you’re exposed to these infectious agents, you’re likely to get sick—because of the infectious agent. But the germ theory is already weakening and is due for being thrown aside. Germ theory of disease is based on the concept that many diseases are caused by infections with microorganisms, typically only visualized under high magnification. The Third Element of the Blood. The Germ Theory of Disease Causation. The germ – or microbial – theory of disease was popularized by Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895), the inventor of pasteurization. This theory states that there are fixed, external germs which invade the body and are the direct cause of a variety of separate, definable diseases. The Germ Theory - The New State Religion - Dr Tim O'Shea A general overview. Such microorganisms can consist of bacterial, viral, fungal, or protist species. The predominant theory until germ theory of disease was eventually accepted in the 19th century was termed “miasma theory”, meaning “pollution” or “bad air”. Objective:Health: Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory - Why Not Both? Antoine Bechamp Vs. Louis Pasteur or Cell Vs. Germ Theory or What YOU Should Know about Disease! Disease arises from germs within the cells of the body. Robert Brown-1833-1st to discover the nucleus. The germ – or microbian – theory of disease was popularized by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), the inventor of pasteurization. Pasteur's main theory is known as the Germ Theory of Disease. Germ-plasm theory, concept of the physical basis of heredity expressed by the 19th-century biologist August Weismann (q.v. Germ theory states that many diseases are caused by the presence and actions of specific micro-organisms within the body. Robert Hooke-1665-developed 1st compound microscope-used it to look at cork cells. According to the cell theory, the cell is the smallest unit of structure and function of all living organisms, all living organisms are made up of at least one cell, and living cells always come from other living cells. Miasma theory stipulated that disease originated from the decomposition of organic matter, causing a … Germ theory, in medicine, the theory that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms, organisms too small to be seen except through a microscope.The French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur, the English surgeon Joseph Lister, and the German physician Robert Koch are given much of the credit for development and acceptance of the theory. The germ theory is a fundamental tenet of medicine that states that microorganisms, which are too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope, can invade the body and cause certain diseases. Béchamp vs. Pasteur & The Germ Theory Hoax Part 1 Béchamp vs. Pasteur & The Germ Theory Hoax Part 2 A two-part radio show by Alpha Vedic. Cell Theory and Germ Theory study guide. Vax is based on the false Monomorphic Pasteur Germ theory. May 14, 2004. Pasteur vs. BeChamp - Monomorphism or Pleomorphism Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). 4 Bechamp A. Mathias Schleiden-1837-"all plants are made of cells" Theodor Schwann-1837-"all animals are made of cells" … Amandha has been talking openly for years about how germ theory is not true and terrain reality is actual reality. These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. Terrain Theory states that the internal environment which is known as ‘terrain’ is responsible for our state of health.