Here you will find the most applicable residence permits for workers. Immigration to the Netherlands is permitted under a number of conditions, including one particular condition that requires the individual to live in the country for an uninterrupted period of five years. The residence permit can be granted for a definite period (verblijfsvergunning voor bepaalde tijd) or an indefinite period (verblijfsvergunning voor onbepaalde tijd). Each Dutch permit has its own conditions, requirements, restrictions, and length of validity. To apply for a residence permit, most nationals must be in the possession of a special type of visa, an MVV. VKV, ‘ Visum Kort Verblijf ‘ : A short stay visa. This is short for Machtiging voor Voorlopig Verblijf (authorisation for a temporary stay). When your residence permit is temporary, there are a few types of these permits that will allow you to finance a house in the Netherlands as well. The cost of the application for a student residence permit in the Netherlands is 307 EUR and the processing time is up to 3 months. If you wish to stay in the Netherlands for a period longer than 3 months and if you wish to apply for a Dutch residency permit, you will need an authorization for a temporary stay in the form of an MVV (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf).If you require an MVV you need to apply for it at the Dutch embassy or consulate in your country of residence before your departure for the Netherlands. A Dutch residence permit is a permit that allows you to stay and live in the Netherlands, past the first 90 days. In order to be eligible for a Dutch (Netherlands) residence permit for an indefinite period a foreigner has to apply first for a residence permit for a definite period. Staying in the Netherlands for a long period of time. This visa allows you to visit the Netherlands with the express purpose to apply for a residence permit. So we advise you to apply for the change timely, which we of course can help you with. For more information, read the relevant article depending on your individual circumstances: Note that this information is only of importance if you are a non-EU resident or if you are from outside the European Economic Area. Dutch residence permit. 2. Once you have a permanent residence permit (EU or national) your stay in the Netherlands does no longer depend on a certain purpose of stay. This a process that enables you to apply for a Visa and a residence permit simultaneously. You must apply for a residence permit depending on your purpose of stay. In order for your student residence permit in the Netherlands to be granted, you will need to prove you have, at least, 854.13 EUR per … A residence permit is also required although in some cases the individual can apply directly for this type of permit. 4. If you do not want to change the residency ground/base, you should leave EU for 6 months and can return to the Netherlands after this period. Residence permit type In general, it depends on the type of temporary residence permit you have, what your options for financing a home are. This means that you can stay in the Netherlands for a variety of different reasons, such as to join your partner, work, study or just live. VVR, or the ‘Verblijfsvergunning’: The Dutch residence permit. 3. a permanent residence permit, based on Dutch national law; The IND (Immigration and Naturalization Service) determines for which permit you qualify. Why a permanent residence permit? 5. To get their residence permit, a person may first need an authorisation for temporary stay (MVV) in order to enter the country. If a person is coming to the Netherlands for more than 90 days, they will need a residence permit. After in total 5 years (thus 3 years + 2) you can get a permanent residence permit (and a Dutch passport). TEV, ‘Toegang en Verblijf’ : ‘ Entry and Residence Procedure ’. Within Dutch immigration law, you can get a residence permit on many grounds, and each purpose of stay has its own conditions. Dutch residence permits for different purposes of stay.