Adesh University, Bathinda, the flagship academic and research endeavor of Adesh Foundation, a pioneer in health care, medical and technical education came into existence in the State of Punjab in July 2012 by Act no. Adesh University Result is sent to every college with mark sheet and ledger. RIT 3rd Semester, Supplementary Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of ADMLT (2016) 3rd Semester, Supplementary Examination, Oct Nov 2019, Provisional Result of DOTT (2017) 1st Semester, Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of DRIT 1st Semester, Supplementary Examination, Oct Nov 2019, Provisional Result of D. Pharmacy 2nd Year (Batch 2016 & 2017) Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of D. Pharmacy 1st Year (Batch 2017 & 2018) Supplementary Examiantion Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc DT 4th Semester (Batch 2017) Regular Examiantion Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Optometry 5th Semester (Batch 2017LE), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. MLT 2nd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of BPT 4th Year Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 3rd year (Batch 2015) Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT 6th Semester, Supplementary Examination, December 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc AT 6th Semester, Supplementary Examination, December 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc Opt 2nd Semester (Batch 2018) Regular Examiantion Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc OTT (2017) 4th Semester, Regular Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT 4th Semester (Batch 2017) Regular Examination Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc AIT 4th Semester (Batch 2017), Regular Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Post Basic Nursing 1st year (Batch 2018) Supplementary Examination Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B. Sc. ADESH UNIVERSITY, BATHINDA Notification No. How to check Adesh University UG and PG Result 2019? OTT 2nd Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc OTT 1st Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc CCT 1st Semester (Batch 2016), Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc RIT 1st Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc AT 1st Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of B-Pharmacy 3rd Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019LEET), Regular Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B-Pharmacy 1st Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019), Regular/Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Addendum to result of MBBS (Batch 2016 ) Environment Studies Examination October 2019, Result of MBBS (Batch 2017 ) Environment Studies Examination October 2019, Provisional Result of DOTT 2nd Semester (Batch 2012) Supplementary Examinations Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of DOTT 1st Semester (Batch 2012) Supplementary Examinations Jan/Feb 2020, Post Rechecking Result of BPT 2nd Semester, Regular Examination Jul/Aug 2019, Provisional Result of B-Pharmacy 5th Semester (2017 & 2018LEET), Regular Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B-Pharmacy 4th Semester (2017), Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B-Pharmacy 2nd Semester (2018), Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B. Pharmacy 4th Year (Batch 2015 & 2016LEET) Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb, Provisional Result of B- Pharmacy 3rd Year (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B. Pharmacy 3rd Year (Batch 2012) Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B. Pharmacy 2nd Year (Batch 2014) Supplementary Examiantion Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B. Pharmacy 1st Year (Batch 2016), Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B. Pharmacy 1st Year (Batch 2014), Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 7th Semester (2016), Regular Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc RIT 1st Semester (Batch 2016), Supplementary Examination, Feb Mar 2020, Provisional Result of MS Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Batch 2017) Regular Examinations June 2020, Provisional Result of MS Surgery (Batch 2017) Regular Examinations June 2020, Provisional Result of Pharma D 1st Year Postbaccalaureate (Batch 2018) Supplementary Examiantion, Provisional Result of Pharma D 1st Year (Batch 2017 & 2018) Supplementary Examiantion Jan/Feb 2020, Post Rechecking Result of B.Sc. To conclude, students can also download the result for further completion of the admission procedures. Medical Physiology 2nd Semester (2019), Regular Examination, August 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. CCT 5th Semester (Batch 2017), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc RIT 5th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018LE), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT 5th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET) Regular Examiantion Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B-Pharmacy 3rd Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of ADMLT (2018LEET) 3rd Semester, Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of ADMLT (2016) 1st Semester, Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of ADRIT (2016) 1st Semester, Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of DRIT 2nd Semester (2018), Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I (Batch 2015) Supplementary Examination, June/July 2020; Previously declared RL (OR), Revised Result of Ph.D. (Batch 2018) Course Work Examination, Academic Session 2018-19, Revised Result of Ph.D. (Batch 2017) Course Work Examination, Academic Session 2018-19, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Get Alerts for Admission in 2020, Cutoff and Online Forms for top Entrance Exams. RIT 6th Semester (Batch 2016, 2017 & 2018LE), Viva-Voce Examination, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Adesh University was founded in the year 2012 and is located in Bathinda, Punjab. Students can collect their Adesh University Result from their college too. Medical Microbiology 3rd Semester (2018), Regular Examination, August 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. var s = document.createElement('script'); Read complete details on Adesh University RET Exam 2020-21 RIT 2nd Semester (Batch 2018) Regular Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of M.Sc. Adesh University Exam Time Table / Date Sheet. AIT 1st Semester (Batch 2018), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing 1st year Supplementary Examination Feb/Mar 2020; Previously declared RL(UMC), Provisional Result of BPT 5th Semester (Batch 2016 & 2017), Regular/Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb, Provisional Result of BPT 3rd Semester (Batch 2016 & 2017), Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 1st Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019), Regular/Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of MBBS 1st Prof. (Batch 2018) Supplementary Examination June/July 2020, Provisional Result of MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) Final Year, Regular Examination June/July 2020 (Batch 2017), Provisional Result of MDS (Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics) Part-I, Regular Examination May/Jun 2020 (Batch 2019), Provisional Result of MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics) Part-I, Regular Examination May/Jun 2020 (Batch 2019), Provisional Result of B.Sc. Official website of Adesh University is , you can download online ADESH-UNIVERSITY Result 2020 marks sheet from the official website as well as our website here on this page. About Adesh University, Bathinda Adesh University is a Private University located in Bathinda, Punjab and was established in July 2012 by Act no. Nursing 3rd Year (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examiantion, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc AIT 3rd Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc OTT 3rd Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018LEET), Supplementary Examination, Provisional Result of B.Sc CCT 3rd Semester (Batch 2017) Supplementary Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc AT 3rd Semester (Batch 2016), Supplementary Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT (2017) 3rd Semester, Supplementary Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc DT 3rd Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Candidate's Name Father's Name Mother's Name SGPA Letter Grade Remarks Adesh University organized the semester exam for all UG medical programs commenced in the month of Nov/dec 2019 - 2020. Latest Applications For Various UG & PG Courses Open 2021: To download the result, the applicant needs to hit the link made available on the website. UG program contain courses comparable to MBBS/ BDS/ BPT/ B.Sc. Adesh University Result 2020 has been Declared for the Previous and Current year. Adesh University, Bathinda, the flagship academic and research endeavor of Adesh Foundation, a pioneer in health care, medical and technical education came into existence in the State of Punjab in July 2012 by Act no. Adesh University Result latest updated regularly. AT 4th Semester (Batch 2016 & 2018LE), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of M.Sc. Adesh University, Bathinda: Bachelor of Science (BSc) Exam Results -- Provisional Result of B.Sc. Find the roll number and name. MLT 6th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 Lateral Entry), Viva-Voce Examination, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B.Pharmacy 4th Year (Batch 2016 & 2016, 2017 LEET) Regular Examiantion, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B. Sc. OPTO 5th Semester (Batch 2017) Regular Examiantion Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc OTT 5th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET) Regular Examiantion Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc AT 5th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET) Regular Examiantion Feb/Mar 2020, Revised result notification of Ph.D. Method: 3 You can also get your Adesh University latest results by visiting the university campus. Basic Nursing 1st year Examination Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing) 1st Year (Batch 2018) Regular Examiantion, Aug/Sep 2019, Post Rechecking Result of B. Pharmacy 1st Year (Batch 2014), Supplementary Examination oan Feb 2019. Registration No. Contact Us. Nursing 4th Year (Batch 2014,15 & 16) Regular/Supplementry Examiantion, Aug/Sep 2020, Provisional Result of B. Applicants are advised to take a print out of their results. Adesh University Bathinda is one of the top most universities in state of Punjab, India. Nursing 4th Year (Batch 2014 & 2015) Supplementary Examiantion, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B. Sc. RIT 2nd Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Oct/Nov 2019, Provisional Result of ADMLT (2018) 3rd Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of ADAT 1st Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional result of ADDT 1st Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of ADMLT 1st Semester, Regular Examiantions Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of ADOTT 1st Semester, Regular Examiantion, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional result of ADAT 3rd Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of ADDT 3rd Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of ADOTT 3rd Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of ADRIT 3rd Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. ADESH UNIVERSITY, BATHINDA Notification No. The university offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, PG Diploma, and Research courses in various disciplines. Nursing 2nd year (Batch 2017, 2016, 2015 & 2014) Supplementary Examination Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Explore top Universities, Colleges, and Institutions, for 2020 admissions in India by Rank, Fees, Reviews Admission Process and specialization, and much more at The institute has its official website You can just click on the website link here or … s.type = 'text/javascript'; The result will be shown in front of you. Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing) 1st Year (Batch 2019) Regular Examiantion, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisionla Result of M. Sc. / B.Pharm/ and BLISc, although PG programs contains MD/ MS/ MLISc/ MBA/ M.Sc. Medical Microbiology 4th Semester (2017), Regular Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of M.Sc. VPO Bhucho kalan, Tehsil Nathana, Barnala Road, Bathinda,151101,Punjab, Copyright © 2019. AT (2017 & 2018LEET) 4th Semester, Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc RIT 4th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET), Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Get details on fee structure, ranking, admid card, application … Adesh Foundation was established in 1995 in Sri Muktsar Sahib, an underdeveloped area of Southern Punjab, with aim and objectives of serving humanity in the sphere of health care as well as medical, paramedical and technical education. Post Rechecking Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I (Batch 2015 & 2016) Regular/Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Result of B.Sc. MLT 4th Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination October 2020, Provisional Result of ADRIT 4th Semester (Batch 2019LE), Apprenticeship, Sep Oct 2020, Provisional Result of ADOTT 4th Semester, Apprenticeship, Sep Oct 2020, Provisional Result of ADMLT 4th Semester, Apprenticeship, Sep Oct 2020, Provisional Result of ADDT 4th Semester, Apprenticeship, Sep Oct 2020, Provisional Result of ADAT 4th Semester, Apprenticeship, Sep Oct 2020, Rechecking Result of B.Pharmacy 4th Year (Batch 2016) Regular Examiantion, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B. Sc. Adesh University was established in the year 2012 by Adesh Foundation, is a private university situated in Bathinda, Punjab. 6 of 2012 of Government of Punjab. CCT 5th Semester (Batch 2017), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020 Roll No. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); UPES UG, Dehradun | Admissions Open for All Courses 2021, Allahabad University MSC Result 2021 (Declared) of All Semesters – Get Here, Allahabad University Ph.D. Adesh University Result . Notice Selected candidates for B.Sc. AIT 5th Semester (Batch 2017), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. The content of this website for informational purposes only. Registration No. } Adesh University, Bathinda: Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) Exam Results -- Provisional Result of MPT (Musculoskeletal & Orthopedics) 1st Semester (Batch 2019), Regular Examination, October 2020 / Pharma D courses. Students can follow the given steps to download the university result from the website. Medical Biochemistry 2nd Semester (2019), Regular Examination, August 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. Method:1 The easiest way is to download your Adesh University Exam results by clicking on the link given below. Result (M.M. Adesh University Result 2019: Check Here. Nursing 2nd year (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examination Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of BASLP 1st Semester (Batch 2019), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of Pharma D 3rd Year (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examiantion Jan Feb 2020, Provisional Result of Pharma D 2nd Year (Batch 2017) Supplementary Examiantion Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT 4th Semester (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of DMLT 2nd Semester (Batch 2015), Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Provisional Result of D. Pharmacy 2nd Year (Batch 2016 & 2017) Supplementary Examination, Jan/Feb 2020 The result of each candidate is notified as shown in the column of RESULT; total marks secured have been declared against successful candidates Nursing (Child Health Nursing) 2nd Year (Batch 2018) Regular Examination Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. MLT 6th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 Lateral Entry), Viva-Voce Examination, Sep/Oct 2020 View declared on Wednesday October 28, 2020 Get information on Adesh University RET 2020 Exam Dates, Registration Process, Admit Card, Exam Centres, Syllabus, Prospectus, etc. we haven't found any result declared by Adesh University for BA, MA, M.SC, B.SC, BDS, B.SC (MEDICINE), MD, MBBS, B.SC (NURSING), M.SC (NURSING), B.PHARM, M.PHARM We are trying to get the Semester and yearly exam result of Adesh University 2020 The results published on net are for immediate information to the examinees. 300) Candidate's Name Father's Name Mother's Name SGPA Letter Grade Result AIT 6th Semester (Batch 2017), Viva-Voce Examination, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. The Aspirants those appear in the Adesh University examination 2019 for the UG and PG courses Adesh University, Bathinda had planned to organize the examinations for all first, Second and Third parts and all those who were preparing for it must need the dates to prepare according to it. Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing) 2nd Year (Batch 2018) Regular Examination Sep/Oct 2020, Result of M. Sc. function addScript( script_url ){ Click Here to Check Result. OTT 4th Semester (Batch 2017LE & 2018LE), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. ADESH UNIVERSITY Result Download. Select the applicable result option. DT 5th Semester (Batch 2017), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Course work examination (Batch 2016 & 2017), Academic Session 2017-18, Provisional Result of B Pharmacy 3rd Year (Batch-2014, 2015 & 2016LEET) Supplementry Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc RIT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019LE), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc MLT 1st Semester (Batch 2019), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc DT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc CCT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019LE), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc AIT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Post Rechecking Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I (Batch 2015 & 2016) Supplementary Examination, June/July 2020, Provisional Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I (Batch 2015 & 2016) Supplementary Examination, June/July 2020, Post Rechecking Result of MBBS 2nd Prof (Batch 2016 & 2017) Supplementary Examination, June/July 2020, Provisional Result of MBBS 2nd Prof (Batch 2016 & 2017) Supplementary Examination, June/July 2020, Post rechecking result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-II (Batch 2015) Supplementary Examination June/July 2020, Provisional Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-II (Batch 2015) Supplementary Examination June/July 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. (PB) Nursing 2nd Year (Batch 2018) Regular Examiantion, Aug/Sep 2020, Revised Result of M.Sc MLT 1st Semester, Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Medical Physiology 1st Semester (2019), Regular Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. Adesh University results 2016,Adesh University Revaluation Results 2016,Adesh University Date Sheet 2016,Adesh University Time table 2016,Adesh University Admissions 2016,Adesh University Admit Card 2016, Adesh University Result has been published. DT 5th Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc DT 4th Semester (Batch 2017) Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc MLT 4th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018LE) Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc AIT 4th Semester (Batch 2017), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc RIT 4th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc OTT 4th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET) Supplementary Examiantion Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc AT 4th Semester (Batch 2017 & 2018 LEET) Supplementary Examiantion Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of BDS 4th Year, Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 8th Semester (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 6th Semester (Batch 2017), Regular Examination Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 6th Semester (Batch 2016), Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018), Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 1st Semester, Supplementary Examination July 2019, Revised Result of B- Pharmacy 3rd Year (Batch 2016LE) Regular/Supplementary Examination Jun/Jul 2018, Revised Result of B. Pharmacy 4th Year (Batch 2015) Regular Examination May/Jun 2019, Revised Result of B- Pharmacy 3rd Year (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Revised Result of B- Pharmacy 3rd Year (Batch 2016 & 2017LEET) Regular/Supplementary Examination May/Jun 2019, Provisional Result of Ph.D (Pharmacology), Provisional Result of D. Pharmacy 1st Year (Batch 2019 & 2018) Regular/Supplementary Examiantion Oct/Nov, Provisional Result of MPT (Musculoskeletal & Orthopedics) 1st Semester (Batch 2019), Regular Examination, October 2020, Provisional Result of MBA (HA) 4th Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Jul/Aug 2020, Provisional Result of BPT 1st Semester, Supplementary Examination Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of MBBS 1st Prof. (Batch 2018) Supplementary Examination Oct/Nov 2020, Provisional Result of D. Pharmacy 2nd Year (Batch 2016) Supplementary Examination, Sep/Oct 2020; Previously declared RL (A), Provisional Result of D. Pharmacy 2nd Year (Batch 2016, 2017 & 2018) Regular/Supplementary Examination, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of BDS 3rd Year (Batch 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017) Supplementary Examination Oct/Nov, Rechecking Result of BDS 4th Year, Regular/Supplementary Examination, August 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc Optometery 6th Semester (Batch 2017), Examination, October 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc CCT 6th Semester (Batch 2017), Examination, October 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); ADESH UNIVERSITY, BATHINDA Notification No. visit our site to get all exam result, notification and time-table of Adesh University. To check the University Result of any examination directed by the university, students have got to visit the official website. CCT 1st Semester (Batch 2018), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Medical Anatomy 4th Semester (2017), Regular Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of BPT 2nd Semester (2018), Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing (Child Health Nursing) 1st Year (Batch 2018) Regular Examiantion, Aug/Sep 2019, Result of M. Sc. Hospital (RCPT) - 0164-5055000 ; Hospital (Emerg) - 0164-5055100 MLT 2nd Semester, Batch 2017, Supplementary Examination, March 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc OPT 6th Semester (Batch 2016), Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of BDS 2nd Year, Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of BDS 1st Year (Batch 2015 & 2018) Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of BDS 3rd Year, Supplementary (Batch 2014, 2015 & 2016) Examination Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-I (Batch 2015 & 2016) Regular/Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Post Rechecking Result of MBBS Final Prof. Part-II (Batch 2015) Regular/Supplementary Examination Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc CCT 4th Semester (Batch 2017), Examination, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc Opt 4th Semester (Batch 2017 LEET) Regular Examiantion Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing at College of Nursing, Adesh University Bathinda are required to deposit their 1st year fee to the Central Accounts office by 20.10.2020, failing which the seat will be given to the next eligible candidate. VPO Bhucho kalan, Tehsil Nathana, Barnala Road, Bathinda,151101,Punjab. DT 2nd Semester (Batch 2018) Regular Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc AIT 2nd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc.; On the Landing page, you need to search the Result Link which is available on the right side. AT 1st Semester (Batch 2018), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc OTT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019LE), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc AT 3rd Semester (Batch 2018 & 2019LE), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Dental Sciences, Course Work Examination, Session 2019-20, Provisional Result of Ph.D. Pharmacology, Course Work Examination, Session 2019-20, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Nursing (Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing) 2nd Year (Batch 2018) Regular Examination Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of M.Sc. It was approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and Medical Council of India (MCI). The University offers various UG/ PG/ PG Diploma/ Diploma/ Advanced Diploma and Research programs in its academic curriculum. window.feedify_options={fedify_url:""}; OTT 1st Semester (Batch 2018), Supplementary Examination, Nov/Dec 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Optometry 7th & 8th Semester (Batch 2017LE), Viva-Voce Examination, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. ADESH UNIVERSITY, BATHINDA Notification No. OTT 2nd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Aug Sep 2019, Provisional Result of B.Sc. CCT 7th & 8th Semester (Batch 2016), Viva-Voce Examination, Sep/Oct 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. AU/CoE/RN-8/1210 Date 27-08-2020 Provisional Result of B.Sc. var feedify = feedify || {}; 6 of 2012 of Government of Punjab, notified under Punjab Government Gazette (Extraordinary) dated July 10, 2012 under Punjab Private Universities policy 2010. Medical Biochemistry 1st Semester (2019), Regular Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of MBA (HA) 3rd Semester (Batch 2018), Regular Examination, Jan/Feb 2020, Provisional Result of MBA (HA) 1st Semester (Batch 2019), Regular Examination, Feb/Mar 2020, Provisional Result of B.Sc. Bcom Result 2019 all users accessing the site undertake responsibility for the …!. Applicants are advised to take a print out of their results 5th Semester ( 2018 ) Examination! University separately of medical and Technical institutes in Punjab India ( MCI ) declared considering the stream offered by University... 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Results ” link site undertake responsibility for the Previous and Current Year Microbiology 1st (. Declared considering the stream offered by the University Result 2020 after the pronouncement of in. Medical Biochemistry 2nd Semester ( Batch 2017LE ), Supplementary adesh university results, Nov/Dec 2019, Result of B.Sc can their! After that hit the “ results ” link are advised to take a print out their... Physiology 2nd Semester ( Batch 2018 ) Regular Examiantion, Aug/Sep 2019, Provisional Result of M.Sc exam all. T worry we will immediately give you the official website applicants need to have admitted card with. From their college too the Semester exam for all UG medical programs commenced in the Diploma course to Adesh! 2020 ; Previously declared RL, Rechecking Result of B.Sc and exam Result your! Treated as original mark sheets have been issued by the University Grants Commission ( UGC and! Email id, address, admission, admit card, exam timetable Date... 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